Chapter Hundred Twenty One🦋

Start from the beginning

We're chilling in mani hotel room and the door open mike came in

Mani- hey Mikey
Mike- hey
Mani- where are you going
Mike- Jordan's water broke and I came to get something
Mani- isn't it to early for her
Mike- what u mean
Mani- she has two more months left 
Mike- umm welp

He gets the things and he leaves I wanted to be there for her now I'm thinking what I did to her all the bull shit I did and it's not okay..........💔

Kobe POV
We made it to the hospital they immediately helped Jordan I signed and checked in I go to ten room with her I go to her side i hold her hands

Doctor- yes ur in labor mrs.Sanchez but we have to wait 5 minutes the baby will flip to the entrance then form there we can push we will give u some ephedrine to reduce the pain but right now we need you to change and use this ball to help you out we're calling ur parents okay hang in there

She nods and the doctor leaves I help Jordan change I help her stand she gets on one of those balls she had tears

Kobe- hey hey ur going to do fine baby I'm right by your side
She nods I kiss her forehead I help her out and make sure she's good


5 minutes later

I help her on the bed the doctors came with the labor and all that they put one on me

Doc- are you the father sir
Kobe- yes I am
Doc- u can stay
Kobe- is her parents coming?
Doc- yes

Jordan started screaming and crying she puts her legs up it's a female doctor delivering it thank god I take Jordan hand i and look at her she looks at me her lips quivering I kiss her head

Doctor- okay ma'am call me Julia okay ima need you to push okay

Jordan nods she starts pushing I hold her hand I wipe her sweat she then stops pushing and cries harder

Jordan- I can't I can't ( she said crying )
Julia- yes u can ur strong
Jordan shakes her head no
Julia- Jordan baby if u don't push ur son will die
She gasp and starts pushing she grips my hand tight as she cries she gives up
Julia- Jordan babe come on
Kobe- baby u can do this
Jordan- I can't Kobe I can't
Kobe- hey u can okay u can do this okay I'm right here baby Im right here listen to me breath Ik and out and I want you to push hard as you can baby okay
I kiss her head she nods she breaths in and out then she pushes harder

Julia- okay okay right there come on mama u got this

Jordan pushes one more time

Julie- here he is

We hear crying Jordan cries  tears start forming they clean Dior and wrap him up they hand him to Jordan

We hear crying Jordan cries  tears start forming they clean Dior and wrap him up they hand him to Jordan

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Dior Hall Morris ^^

( mixed with Jordan and Kobe )

He looked so cute she looks at me and smile

Jordan- Dior hall Morris hey baby
Kobe- hey son

He opens his eyes and his eyes were like this

Jordan- he looks like u baby Kobe- ima cry Jordan- here hold him Doctor- I'm sorry to interrupt but Jordan we have to take u to surgery it's a easy one while giving birth ur uterine atony got messed up it's easy to fix if u don't mind Jordan- u ca...

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Jordan- he looks like u baby
Kobe- ima cry
Jordan- here hold him
Doctor- I'm sorry to interrupt but Jordan we have to take u to surgery it's a easy one while giving birth ur uterine atony got messed up it's easy to fix if u don't mind
Jordan- u can take me up
She looks at me I nod she hands me dior I take him he smiles and starts giggling jordan face expression melts I smile so hard I bend down and kiss her lips then they take her I sit on the couch with Dior and play with him Mike comes in he comes over to me

Mike- I saw her
He looks at Dior
Mike- he looks like u
Kobe- he's so cute
Mike- heyy im ur crazy uncle Mike and that's ur psychopath dad
Kobe- hey chill
Mike laughs I laugh to we play with Dior then mike left Dior goes to sleep I call my mom she answers

The call

Mommy- hey Kobe Wsp
Kobe- mommy look
I show her Dior
Mommy- omg he's here
Pops- who?
Mommy- Dior Hall Morris
Pops- say what now
He comes in the camera is show him
Abby- who u on the phone with
Mommy- my son and my grandson
Abby- oh he had his child
Mommy- where's Jordan
Kobe- she's in surgery her uterine atony got messed up during birth so there fixing it
Mommy- oh
Pops- hey looks like u kiddo
Kobe- yea he do
Pops- he has ur eyes, Jordan nose, ur lips smile, Jordan eyebrow and her hair
Kobe- yea he does
Mommy- well call u back later baby let's let u and the baby get some rest love u
Kobe- love u to by ma by dad

They hang up

I kiss his forehead we sit back I wait for her

3hrs later

I took an nap and she's back now they gave her a bigger bed so me and her can share one right now she's breast feeding him I jus sit there and watch

Kobe- how u feel
Jordan- ummm I feel kinda good
Kobe- was u scared
Jordan- yea but I then remembered ur right by my side
Kobe- always am
She stops breast feeding and she burp's him he falls asleep quick I pick him up gently and lay him down next to us I lay on her gently I kiss her cheek

Kobe- I'm happy
Jordan- same baby
Kobe- u tired
Jordan- hell yea
Kobe- kk good night mama love I
Jordan- good night baby love u to

I kiss her lips and with that we go to sleep

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