
Começar do início

by the time Albedo arrives he can only stare in awe at the grand scale of the battle

this speed

this power

both dwarf his abilities back at the USJ

had he been this powerful back then the USJ incident would have been a slaughter

they wouldn't have even needed the Nomu....

in a way it's like comparing a child playing sword fighting with a stick to Miyamoto Mushashi, the greatest swordsman to ever live....

Tomura is missing both his pinkie and his ring finger on his left hand

but strangely enough he seems to almost.... be having fun fighting Re-Destro

eventually Re-Destro activates a device that brings a suit of armour to him

Albedo activates the omnitrix and turns into Lodestar in an attempt to help

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Albedo activates the omnitrix and turns into Lodestar in an attempt to help

Albedo activates the omnitrix and turns into Lodestar in an attempt to help

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"Wait..." Lodestar says to himself stopping. "Why am I trying to help Shigaraki? sure he's an asset to project Ultimate, but even if he dies I'll get my resources."

he looks at the battle

"I don't care about these people." Lodestar says running toward the fight. "They're tools, only useful to help my evolutionary assent."


Twice called him his friend

and as stupid as this may seem

Albedo just really needs friends...

Lodestar uses his powers to rip a plate off of Re-Destros back and use it as a surfboard

he doesn't even seem to notice

but before Lodestar could step in Tomura destroys the suit with ease

but before Lodestar could step in Tomura destroys the suit with ease

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Ben 10 Academia(Ben 10 X MHA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora