D'Anna's POV

"Luke what are you doing!" Ashton yelled as Luke completely missed the pins.

"I'm not very good at this."

"Yeah we can tell." I patted Luke's back and took my turn.
Got a strike.

"Calum, Alice please, Michael and I will trade you Luke for D'Anna." Ashton pleaded.

"Sorry, but she's my star player." Alice side hugged me.

"Guess some people just aren't meant to be good at everything."

"Excuse me? What was that D'Anna?" Luke raised an eyebrow.

"You heard me Lucas." I smirked and looked at his marvelous structure, when he suddenly frowned I scrunched my eyebrows, sitting on the table.


"Nicky!" I jumped off to hug him.

"Hey beautiful, is there any chance I can play?"

"Of course, but on Luke's team because they need all the help they can get." I joked.

"Haha very funny but I'm not that bad.'' The whole group bursted into a fit of laughter.

"Ok just shut up."

The game was getting intense after Nick joined, he was almost as good as me. Almost. We were neck and neck and it was up to me or Luke to win this for our teams.

"Ready to lose Hemmings?"

"I'm sorry but I don't lose to girls other than Michael."

"Well there's a first time for everything right." I took a deep breath and aimed my ball. I quickly shot it and once again another strike by yours truly.

"Look at me Luke! If you don't knock down all the pins we lose and I do not enjoy losing Lucas." Micheal warned.

"Don't worry, I got this." Luke studied everything carefully before rolling. But once he did he got a 7 10 split.

"Ohhh yeah! Good luck with that losers." Alice cheered.

"Luke!" Ashton yelled.

"I'm sorry I suck at bowling."

"Let me help you." I walked over to him and grabbed the next ball. I guided his arm into the best position to nail a 7 10 split.

"You look pretty today." He whispered.

"What!" I let go and he threw the ball. He completely missed and Michael booed him.

"You did that on purpose." Nick accused.

"No I didn't, Luke said something."

"And what did he say?"

"That I saw a rat run across the floor. She got scared and let go." Luke quickly saved himself. I gave him a look and turned to face Nick.

"Babe, are you scared of a rat?"

"Well duh, rats are disgusting." He gave me hug and walked me back to the table.

"This sucked. I wanna eat." Micheal complained.

"You're only saying that cause you lost." Calum laughed and took a seat next to Alice.

"Whatever. Hi can we get an order of 49 wings? 7 orders of fries, 4 cokes, and 3 sprites?" Michael asked the waitress.

"Sure thing handsome." The pretty blonde waitress winked at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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