Chapter 1

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( Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter is late, been busy with school and didn't expect this to blow up! Sorry that the chapters are a little short. I don't have a set storyline so i 'm kinda just winging it, feel free to comment story ideas! If I don't use your idea in the story, then I am planning on making a book of one-shots for this story! Thank you for reading =D)

3rd Person POV:

As Dream sat alone in his prison cell, he wondered where it all went wrong... It wasn't supposed to be like this! We were supposed to be a family (he ignores to voice in the back of his head that says he took it too far; that says he hurt Tommy beyond belief, that says he made Tommy consider suicide) Well, if Tommy would've just listened then he wouldn't of had to manipulate him! Its all Tommy's fault, he drove George and Sapnap away! He made Tubbo HIS OWN BROTHER turn on him!, AND ITS HIS FAULT HE'S GETTING TORTURED!! Once he gets out of here.... Tommy will regret ever living (he ignores to voice in the back of his head that says that he drove away George and Sapnap, that the reason Tubbo turned on him is because he tormented his best friend and was scared of him.) But as he sat there thinking of how to get back at Tommy, he feels a sharp pain his his leg, if you can even call it that... Ever since he's got in here Sam let Quackity torture him and because of that he sustained a lot of injuries including (but not limited to); Having 3 fingers ripped off, has an array of 1-3 degree burns (though that's not all of Quackitys fault) A leg so mangled that he'll be surprised if he can even stand by the end of this! As he was thinking of all his injuries, a bright light shone in the front of the cell; a being materialized; as the prisoner looked up from his lap, he saw DreamXD standing by the lava


(End notes: Ok, chapter 2 finished sorry its a bit bad lol. Also, Dream isn't really the greatest person here; he'll get better as the story progresses, but right now he's a bit of a bitch. As I said, I don't have a storyline laid out yet. If you ever make fan art for this fic, you tweet me @dreqmified404 on Twitter! I would love to see it!)

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