The Calm Before the Storm

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“Something eating you Sparky?” I call out as I pull up to the curb in East Anthem.  It’s nicer around here, townhouses replace apartments and trimmed gardens line every sidewalk. You could almost believe that Anthem Force isn’t a place plagued with excessive crime rates and loony super villains.

Keith is leaning against the porch, sending small shocks back and forth between his palms the way some people may twiddle their thumbs. He wears a black t-shirt and ragged looking jeans. It’s odd seeing him in civvies when I’m so used to our official Anthem Force uniform.

“What are you doing here?” Keith makes a face as I walk over and plop myself next to him.

“You’ve missed two training days in a row and haven’t answered any calls. So what’s the deal?”

Keith turns his back to me, burying his face into his chest. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

I sigh. Keith isn’t exactly a model of good behavior but at least he usually shows up to trainings. Playing hooky is a stretch, even for him. “Sure you don’t but I need an explanation.”

Keith shoots up from the stoop, turning to glare at me. For a moment my breath catches in the back of my throat. Keith looks… different. It’s the way he holds himself. All his cockiness, his confidence is stripped away. The anger is still there but there’s also something else, Keith looks vulnerable.

He says, “Why do you even care? Why would you care about me? I’ve been a jerk to you ever since I joined the team.” 

Isn’t it sort of obvious? Keith’s apart of my team but even more then that he’s my friend- well most of times. Even though he’s a pain in the butt I do care for him. It’s funny like that sometimes. There are people in our lives who aggravate us to no end but we care for them regardless. “Because Keith, we’re teammates and that means we’re here for each other through thick and thin, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health-.”

Keith interrupts me, “Okay, okay if I tell you will you just shut up? It’s not like we’re getting married.”

I grin and pat the seat next to me. “Deal.”

“So do you know a superhero by the name of Tempo?”

I rack my brain for a face to match the name. Instantly, I think of a well-known speedster on the Ultraleague. He’s a big hero, well not Luke big, but pretty famous in his own right. Tall, shaggy dark brown hair, and hazel eyes that made all the girls swoon. “Yah, what about him.”

Keith sighs. “Well he’s my brother Liam.”

And then I see it. The similar crook of their noses, the crease in their eyes. How had I not seen it sooner? “Wow Keith you’re brother’s an Ultraleague member? That must be awesome!”

Keith leans back on the stoop and lets out a low chuckle. “You’d think right? Who wouldn’t want to be related to the perfect in every way Tempo? It’s so awesome having my parents compare everything I do to him. I mean I helped save the entire city last week but then Liam has to go and save the planet.”

And then it clicks. Keith is living in his older brother’s shadow. I know plenty of kids who always feel like they have to live up to their siblings reputations but that’s a lot harder when your older brother is a real live superhero. “So he made it to the Ultraleague, so what? It’s not that big a deal I mean they almost let me on the team for crying out loud,” I say.”

Keith raises an eyebrow like I might be crazy but I’m not finished. “He’s done some great things but so have you Keith and your story’s not finished. You can be anything you want to be.”

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