A Madman In A Mad World

657 14 7

"help!" - speak

'yep' - thinking

*laughs* - action


POV Tatsumi

I woke up to the feeling of murderous intent. I quickly bolted out my room thinking about what that guard said this evening about night raid, but then I look to the left of the hallway and outside the window. I see what I presume is night raid.

Tasumi: "Night raid! So you'd even target these people? Just because they're wealthy?"

Looking down from the same window I see the guards running out from the mansion. 'What do I do? Do I assist the guards? Or do I defend the house?' While thinking that I see two of the night raid members drop down from the string. A girl with a katana and a giant man in armor and a red spear. One guard approaches her but gets quickly cut down, the giant man pierces another with his spear. The last one attempts to run away, but is shot in the head.

'They were wiped out like it was nothing. I have to atleast protect Miss Aria!' Halfway through my thoughts I ran to where I thought Miss Aria was. I ran and ran as fast as I could as I quickly saw a glimpse of two people running into the woods. I quickly realized it was a guard with Miss Aria, and so I ran after them into the woods.

Reaching a small little part of the woods with no trees and a large storehouse ahead. I finally reach them.

Tatsumi: "There you are!"

Aria: "Tatsumi?"

Guard: "You came at a good time. We will take shelter within the storehouse until the authorities arrive. You fend them off until then."

Tatsumi: "That's impossible-"

I was interrupted when I felt a person land behind me. I got quickly surprised and turn around, seeing the girl with the katana. She looked at us with empty, murderous eyes. I took out my sword ready for a fight.

Tatsumi: "I guess I have no choice!"

She dashes to me, as I was ready in my stance.

???: "Not a target."

My eyes went wide after hearing that. She jumped onto my head and used my head as a step to jump over to the guard and Aria. I quickly turned around to stop her from getting to them.

The guard had a gun and quickly sprayed at the girl. The girl however was fast, and dodged at all the bullets sprinting around and towards the guard.

???: "Target."

She kept dodging as the guard kept shooting. Until he was sliced in half, after the girl was done with him she walked over to Aria raising her katana ready to slice her.

???: "Eliminate."

Tatsumi: "Hold it!

I said running towards bringing my sword to slice her. But she dodged and jumped back.

???: "You are not a target. There is no need to kill you."

Tatsumi: "But you intend to kill this girl, don't you?"

???: "Yep."

Tatsumi: "Yep?!"

???: "If you get in my way, I'll kill you."

Tatsumi: "That doesn't mean I can just leave her!"

???: "Is that so? Then I shall eliminate you."

I got little scared and jumped a bit. We were having a stare off waiting. 'This isn't someone I can defeat in my current state. But I can't worry about that now. If I can't even save this one girl, then how will I save an entire village?'. 

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