Chapter 13 - Pretence

Start from the beginning

I quickly took a step towards Nanon. I was about to hold him by his waist but then paused. Holding his waist in first attempt may be hella awkward for both of us and he might jump in shock exposing our secret. So I kept a hand around his shoulder and pulled him close to me.

"Uhmph." Nanon almost jumped but I held him tight and squeezed his shoulder once smiling and raising my eyebrow at him.

"Ohm!" Nanon said slowly eyeing me.

"What are you so shy about, 'Nanon'?" I said putting emphases on his name. "Have you forgotten that we are engaged?" I said slowly gritting my teeth while fake smiling at him.

He glared at me angrily. His body stiffened in my grip. But I was holding him tightly making sure he won't move much.

"Actually, we were just discussing about the wedding arrangements. Right Nanon?" I turned to look at Nanon again with a sweet smile.

Nanon looked at me with a scowl so I winked at him and grinned.

This is actually fun.

He instantly changed his expressions and smiled back awkwardly.

Aim gaped at us. Her mouth was so wide open that a whole burger could fit in there in one go.

Love was looking at us with traumatized expressions as well.

I looked at Aim, then at Love and then at Nanon.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked in general to everyone in the room, smiling my best possible way.

"N... Nothing... Just that I have never seen you guys this way before..." Love said meekly.

Aim was still unable to contain herself. Her face went from shocked to confused to surprised to complete blank in a few minutes.

"Oh that... you see, Non and I... we don't like much PDA." I said squeezing Nanon more.

I have heard everyone calling him Non. I thought it would be more believable this way. But the thing is I was actually enjoying teasing him now.

"Uhhhh... Yeah right... Ummm a-anyway... Sorry Love, I have not been able to pick up your calls." Nanon slowly shrugged my hand away and took a step towards Love.

"No It's ok. I just wanted to know if you guys were doing fine. I saw you both leaving the party abruptly and then I couldn't get hold of either one of you." Love was still stunned.

Nanon looked at her for a bit longer. His expressions unreadable.

"Then I was out with my family for a few days but I heard what happened at the university." She continued when nobody replied.

Nanon seemed like he will fall in her feet any moment and beg for forgiveness.

This will blow our cover.

"Love..." I called her with a smile. I left Nanon's shoulder and held his hand instead.

Nanon's hand was shaking. I could feel it in my palm.

I kept my expression steady. "We are so happy Love. It's unbelievable how it all turned out so smoothly. We were thinking of how to come out to everyone. But we were not expecting it to be a public announcement." I said held Nanon's hand up between both my hands now and massaged my thumb on the back of his hand.

He eyed me and I pressed my lip to stop myself from bursting into laughter.

Aim fell back on the couch with shocked expressions. I looked at her but she froze in her place ogling at us. God this melodrama! I might laugh anytime.

Coincidental Husbands - 2 : How Can I Marry A Guy???Where stories live. Discover now