a weed and her flower

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I lurk the graveyard and steal the gifts that are not mine.

(I deserve them, it's not fair)

I watch lovers mourn for their beautiful darlings, mothers mourn for their lost children, friends mourn for their gone friends.

(I am a beautiful, lost, gone girl, so why won't anyone mourn for me?)

I bathe in the fountain water that is poured on the flowers, taking it all.

(I am a flower that deserves to thrive)

I only wish for a love, a sweet, a dalliance, a lover, it does not matter.

(I wish for a body)

When the girl stops in front of the grave and begins to sob, I know that she is mine.

(She would make the devil himself burn in holy water to be pure enough to even look at her)

My sweet! A darling girl with sun-kissed skin and cinnamon waves! My Lily, a lovely name for a lovely girl! My love! A lady so fine that Sappho would write about her day and night, for her writings to be discovered and hung in museums!

(She sees me and my rotting pale skin and raven hair, yet she smiles a candy-coated smile anyway)

I hold her hand as I watch her loll a red heart-shaped lollipop between her lips, the white stick dripping with whatever is left of my aching heart, and oh Cupid, how can you damn me so!

(The ants merge from the graves to infest her sweetness)

She grins and speaks Let us dance in the moonlight and talk at night! And at some point, we will be able to love in the daylight!

(She is a dreamer, and I do not have the guts to take away that look on her face)

But I will fulfill her wish, because how I love her so! I want to make her dreams come true, make hasty Romeo jealous that he could not think of such a gift for his lady Juliet!

(I will make sure we are remembered in history)

Except, there is the grave who I do not care enough to remember who it is for.

(It is not a lover, that I am most certain)

I glare at it as I keep her close as she sobs into my chest.

(You make her this way)

I glare at it as she speaks happily of the person six feet below.

(Those are words that are reserved for me and me only)

I glare at the grave even when she is gone.

(I know what to do)

She comes at midnight, and finds me bathing in the fountain.

(She is such a flower, isn't she?)

I cling to her, and she hugs me back.

(A weed infests the flower)

I kiss her candy lips, the sugar rotting my teeth and heart.

(I pull her hair and I pull her close)

I watch as she bathes in the fountain, her hair dripping wet.

(She attempts to scream, but only bubbles come out)

I hold her close as her body lays against mine, her candy-coated lips infested with ants and her beautiful body entangled with the flowers and vines.

(She is mine. It isn't fair for anyone else to have her)

My gift, my flower, my beautiful, my darling, my love, my Juliet, my sweet! Could you be a dear and please speak to me?

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