"Are you coming back to my dorm like you said you was?" her voice was soft spoken, kinda like she was forcing it. The boys that was sitting around them started making a noise, I peeped my head up from my book and saw Donny shaking his head at his teammates and playfully pushing one of them.

"I'll think about it." He said in a monotone.

"No, don't say you'll think about it cause earlier you was saying yes." She folded her arm and started to pout.

He pulled her arm from off her chest. "Stop doing all that, you know i got you shorty." She tried her hardest to fight her smile but she clearly failed at it.

I turned my head cause I noticed I was staring but it's also because I don't want to see this happen right in front of me. I began to gather all my things together because this is too much, I don't know why I decided to stay anyway cause soon as they came the quietness stopped. After putting everything in my bag I got up from my chair.

"Where you going?" Donny hopped up from his chair too slightly pushing the girl off his lap without making her fall. I almost laughed at the sight cause the look on her face was funny as hell.

"Damn nigga you tryna go with him or sum." One his teammates said.

"Ha ha nigga not funny." Donny say with a straight face and then turn his attention back to me.

"I'm going to mind my business." And with that I walked away before he could say anything knowing he's not going to follow me or nothing because he's with his friends. I decided to just walk to the dorm and take a nap or watch a movie or something.


I've been sitting in my dorm for hours bored. I watched a couple movies and was on my phone for a lil bit but nothing helped my boredom, I didn't end up taking a nap cause I wasn't tired. Donny still hasn't came back to the dorm and it's going on 10 o'clock, not that he has a curfew or anything but he been out for a whole work shift.

While scrolling through Netflix because I had nothing better to do, I hear my phone ding which caused me to jump. I picked my phone up, kinda hoping it would be Donny texting me considering the fact I haven't heard or saw him from earlier.

Ryan: what you doing rn

My heart suddenly started to speed up. I lowkey thought he didn't want to talk to me anymore even though our first outing wasn't bad but we haven't really communicated for real since then. I'm debating if I should text him back or not, it's not like I'm doing anything right now.

Me: chillin in my dorm
Me: wassup ?

Ryan: wanted to see you
Ryan: i was gon come pick you up if that's okay with you

Lord have mercy. I was now sitting up in the bed cause now he had my full attention.

Me: ok lemme get dressed and i'll let you know when i'm ready

I get up from my bed gathering the stuff I need for the bathroom preparing to take a quick shower. I go to the bathroom happily getting undressed cause I'm finally not cooped up in my dorm.

After the shower I come out the bathroom with the outfit I was going to wear, it was nothing too major just a white tee with some gray joggers and I was gon put on some air forces. I sat on my bed prepared to put on my shoes when I heard the door opening.

Donny came in, stumbling almost everything and hisself over, I can tell immediately brag he'd been drinking. I sighed quietly to myself cause I didn't want to deal with this, not today.

"Where are you going?" He asked as soon as he saw me putting shoes on, his voice quiet and soft. I roll my eyes after hearing the question, he asks me this at least fifteen times a day.

"Why? Do I ask you where you go all the time?" I was starting to get irritated, he always do this. He nodded with a straight face before taking a seat on his bed. I shook my head deciding not to give him the time of day, I grab my jacket instead and started to walk to the door.

Donny hurriedly got up from the bed and stood in front of the door. "Wait! you ain't even answer my question yet." He said licking his lips looking me up and down like he was tryna do something which caused my heart to start beating fast, he can turn any situation into something horny. It didn't help that the man was fine as fuck.

I cleared my throat, snapping out of my thoughts. "Why you so worried! You didn't care so much when you was tryna fuck on that girl."  I know I sound jealous but I don't care. He always wanna know about my whereabouts when he done getting his fuck on.

She made a confused look at me "What girl is you talking bout? I wasn't tryna fuck no girl." He said reaching for my hand but I pulled away.

"You know what, I don't even care." I said trying to reach for the door again but he grabbed me by my wrist so I tried with my other hand but he just grabbed that one too, holding them tight enough to not hurt me but making sure I wasn't able to get out of his grip.

"Bro you need to calm down deadass, I wasn't tryna fuck no girl and if you talking bout ol girl from earlier I wasn't tryna fuck her she was tryna fuck me it's a difference-" Every time he speaks he's pissing me off more and more and I'm bout to start screaming cause he won't let my hands go.

"Donny don't piss me off. Let me go for I tweak out." I said not even looking at him, cause I didn't want to start yelling.

"First of all I was still talking don't cut me off like that and second of all look at me." He grabbed me by chin causing me to look at him and I immediately calmed down a bit. I could tell he was angry by the tone us his voice but his face was so relax when he was looking in my eyes that if I didn't know him I wouldn't be able to tell if he was upset.

"Na listen, I don't even know that girl she was just following me and my team around all day, I ain't girl to her dorm or nothing...I only want you." He grabbed me by chin again but this time more gently and he just stared into my eyes. I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him to kiss me so bad but he does this every time, he makes me feel dumb publicly and then thinks he can just sweet talk his way out of it when we're alone in the dorm and I can't keep allowing him to do that.

"No no no! You always do this shit. Y-you barely talk to in public now but wanna say and do shit like this privately, and I can't take it anymore cause you playing with my fucking emotions!" I yelled getting out of his grip and backing away, starting to get emotional as tears began roll down my face.

"Playing with yo emotions? Playing with yo fucking emotions! If anybody playing with anybody's emotions it's you dumbass!" He yelled back.

"Don't say stupid shit cause how am I playing with yo emotions!"

"Cause you know that I fucking like you and I wanna be with you!" He yelled. Before I could even say anything he walked up to me and kissed me.


back from the dead...or am i
i wrote this shit in my phone so ntm if it's a lot of typos

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