❖ Friends with benefits ❖

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Angels Pov

So I woke up, and I got my stuff ready like chips, candy, and stuff for the boys, and then I'm off for the day. As I'm walking to school, I meet up with Michael and my crush, Nathan, who I have loved since the 6th grade. I walk up to them and do my handshake, and then we chat and walk our way to school. On our way to school, Nathan mentioned his girlfriend, Bethany, I hated that bitch, she always got in between us. Whenever I try getting close to him like flirty comments, she always butts in... like she knew I am in love with him. We arrive at the school and meet up with my other friends, Axel, Jeffery, etc. then we take a stroll around the school and talk about things. And then he had to mention his fucking girlfriend. I just wanted to pin him against the wall and tell him that I love him and kiss him.... never going to happen though... It's not like I'll be confessing anytime soon... he's not gay...

Nathans POV

I'm walking around with my best friend, Angel, we talk about things until I see Angel getting frustrated. "Yo, angel, you good? You seem angry." I said "Oh, no it's fine, I'm just frustrated at school that's all.. H​​eh..." okay? He's acting different like he's hiding something... eh whatever, "uh okay... Anyway, I love my girlfriend, she gives me hugs and kisses even if I don't ask for it! She's so loyal!" and I turned my head to Angel, and he looked off again... "Yo! You look mad. Is it because I'm talking about my girlfriend too much?!" "Yea you keep talking about how loyal your girlfriend is, I mean I get it, you love her, but man you keep running your mouth about her, she's like what your 5th girlfriend already!? She's probably using you!" "Bro if she was using me she would ask for.. y'know ...sex." " dude, I mean like she's using you for popularity, not pleasure!" Angel yelled "Jeez man I didn't know! Damn..." Angel looked away in anger and me being me was checking upon him. "Yo man, you okay, you're so off today... Are you sick, mentions something about dating Hah!" he looked at me and just shook his head, "okay... I'll admit I do have a crush on someone..." "HAH i knew it! Who's the lucky girl...?" "Uhm it's uh... Kristy!" "Kristy..? Who that?" "Uhm.. Kristen y'know that girl with red hair mixed with black and emo like clothing, her, I like her" Angel lied. "KRISTEN! HAHAHA, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKE EMOS!" Nathan yelled, "Shut the hell up, dude! We're going to get caught..! As if they didn't know.." "Whatever, let's get to class... I don't want to get Mr. Fowler to catch us.." "Okay" We walked our way to Ms. Snyder's class, and we entered. Of course, everyone in the class looks at us and then goes back to what they're doing. We gave our passes to Ms. and went to our seats. I sit down and start talking with the surrounding students, of course, Ms. Snyder gets mad at me and tells me to stop, I tried arguing back but she tells me to go outside to talk to me. I stand outside and wait until she comes out. The door opens and outcomes Nathan, I jokingly insult him, and he insults back, we insult each other until Ms. Snyder breaks us up. And tells Nathan to go back inside, not letting him use the bathroom.

I stayed outside while I waited for Miss to come out and lecture me. After that, I went inside and sat with the boys. After we messed around for a while the bell rang. We walked our way to our classes, staring at him. He's so beautiful. I can go back to reality after I hear the bell ring.

After classes (it's lunchtime)

I grew the courage to ask Nathan out on a date. I walked up to him and asked if he wanted to hang out at my house. He said yes of course since we're long-time buddies, and I was beaming with happiness. I wanted that moment to come already, I was too excited to even notice Byron, staring at me with a weird expression. I wiped the expression on me, but it was too late, Byron was walking up to me. "Uhm, Angel, are you okay? You look weird like you're so bubbly." "O-oh sorry Byron, I was just happy." "You look REALLY happy, tell me what's wrong, I won't tell~" "promise?" "Promise!" I sighed and quickly gathered the courage and told Byron, promising he wouldn't tell "uh, so I asked my crush out on a date!" I whispered. "Who?!" he yelled quietly. "Gah! Keep it down you whor-" "whatever, just tell me." "Okay okay! Nathan..." he jumped in excitement and ran away to probably find Robin. I looked over to Bryon and saw him talking to Robin, probably talking about me. Eh whatever.

After school

It was after school... The moment is slowly coming up. I walked up to him, and we talked about what time we should meet up. 5:00 pm, just enough time. We walked to our houses and I ran to my room filled with excitement. I got my clothes and went to get ready. I quickly dressed up and got my things ready. I was hella excited to where it took 30 minutes to do everything. I had around 2 hours and 30 minutes, so I just played games until it was time.

2 hours passed

I was tired from gaming and looked at the time. 4:35 pm. I decided to arrive there at the park early. I got there, and it was 5 minutes until it was 5 pm. I sat down on the grass. I was zoning out until I snapped out of it because I heard someone say my name. It was Nathan, my crush. "Yo I'm here." "Yes, I can tell, you dressed nicely for this occasion." I laughed and looked at the sky. The fireworks were about to start. As soon as the fireworks start, that's when I'll confess my feelings. He sat down and started to chat. I really wanted to kiss him on the spot, but I had to wait and control myself.

It was about time for the fireworks to start. I was ecstatic, I just couldn't wait. I started counting down in my head.


It was almost time for the event to happen, for me to confess my feelings for him.

Next thing I know, I heard firecrackers. I soon noticed that the fireworks were happening.

"H-hey man, I just wanted to say-"

"Me too kitten, me too"


I was shocked to hear what he said, I was really shocked that I didn't notice that.. He put his lips on mine. We shared a tender kiss under the fireworks.

It lasted around 4 minutes before we pulled away for air. We were panting from that kiss, we both looked at each other and started laughing. We calmed down, and I laid my head on him. We continued to look at the sky and just relaxed.

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