"So, you think you have a right to be upset with me? I never asked him to call me back tomorrow but you've got miss pretty calling your phone, I bet if you weren't at mine at the time you would've picked up."

"You don't know that." Was what he had to answer with.

Abruptly I got up from my table and left the room. Honestly I'm not even surprised. It was always DTN, Jayda why are you so stupiddd? Just why? And now you've fucking embarrassed yourself. Well done.

I sped down the hallways into the toilet where I burst into tears, I tried little to care but I couldn't ignore the fact that tears were streaming down my face at one hundred miles per hour. This life will not let me rest!

See, the problem with me is that I bottle everything up until I break. I only break around once or twice every year, though. Either way, everything just comes flooding back to me, making me deep life in a way nobody would understand unless their willing to listen to me explain.

"M-mum." My voice croaked, the phone to my ear.

"Are you okay? Why are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Everything is fine, can you come pick me up?"

"Why?" She asked, her high pitched voice even higher in a questionable tone.

"Uhhh, period cramps." I lied.

"Umm, okay, I have a break in fifteen minutes, I'll be on my way."

"Okay thank you, bye." I said.

"Bye honey." She replied before I ended the call.

I went back into that room we were in to get my bag, I went back and Nana, Michaela, and Rhiannon weren't there.

"They went to look for you." Adam told me, with a look of concern on his face. I didn't say a word to him, not even a smile. I just picked up my bag, shot Seven a glare and left.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, as I bumped into Nana.

"Where did you go? We were looking for you." She said.

"I went to the toilet, but I'm alright now."

"Ok, I'm so sorry that he's a dickhead." She told me, giving me a hug.

"Thanks. But my moms picking me up so I'll go wait in the office."


During the short drive home - I live like a 15 minute drive away from the school - my mom informed me about the fact that my great grandfather is in hospital again.

"Well is he okay?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know, he had a fall at your grandmother's."


"I'll call mom tonight, see how he's doing etc." My mum said.

"Okay, can we go Jamaica though?" I said, smiling a little. Can't lie, it was a struggle. My face has been frowning all day.

"Not now, wait until like the holiday at least!" She replied, turning into our driveway.

See, the thing is, for the past couple of years, my Great-grandfather has been sick, and in and out of hospital. My mom has been worrying about the expenses of medication bills and the cost it would be to fly everyone (My immediate family including my grandma and grandpa that live in the uk) out to Jamaica if he passed. Can't lie? I've been siked to go JA, the last time I was there was years ago! But we'll only be going for a funeral perhaps, which isn't even confirmed.

"Well have you heard from your brother?" My mom asked me.

"Uhh, not really. He messaged me earlier though."

"What did he say?" Why you so nosy for?

"Nothing, I jus reminded him of something and he said thanks innit." I shrugged, getting out the car.

"Oh okay, well it's 1pm, maybe clean your room and if you're still having cramps then I'll get you some paracetamol."

"Okay, thanks."


"Nana?" I said, with the phone to my ear.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, can you do me a really big favour?"

"What love?"

"I need you to speak to Seven for me." I said, wincing. I've been wanting to speak to him but my pride won't let me. He has to come back to me, because he said what he said.

"A-and say what?" She asked.

"Umm idk, just ask him why he's doing the fucking most innit." I shrugged.

"Say less, I can text him now."

"No, actually speak to him in person, because he might not even reply number one, and two, I want you to see how he's doing."

"Aighttt, I'll go over later I guess." She said, sighing.

"Thank you so much, I owe you one."

"No, you're calm, I-I just want you two to be happy." She said, I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Thank you, God bless you in fact."

"Y-you too love, I'll FaceTime you after I speak to him."

"Thanks love."

"No problem, bye."


I did say that this chapter will be out at the end of the week, so here you gooo.

A few questions;

Do you think Nana will speak to Seven?

Will Seven and Jayda actually work it out🌚🌚?

And this one's easy, but was Seven really bugging that much?

Love you guys! Vote and comment🙏🏾

jaydalool xx

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