cscoop; boo-boo's

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i decided i might pick this book back up!! if you like it, let me know!! i'll pick up this book again if people want :))
it's also pretty short cos it's kinda late but!

one of coopers main love in life was skating. he's been doing it since he was a kid and it's been a way for him to relax and just think for years. so, when he met his girlfriend y/n who also loves skating, there was no doubt that he would fall in love as fast as he would fall off a skateboard. and he did that a lot.

speaking of falling off of skateboards, that's what the pair were trying not do to right now as they skated throughout the skate park. cooper watched as his girlfriend did an ollie, cheering to herself and turning to smile widely at cooper. he laughed and gave two big thumbs up to the girl, getting on his own board and dropping into a ramp.

the blonde man should've been paying more attention to his surroundings and not watching his girl do little tricks, because all he felt was straight up ground on his face.

y/n caught the sight out of the corner of her eye and ran quickly to help her boyfriend. he had a small gash above his eyebrow and his hands and knees had road burn.

"oh gosh, cooper! are you okay?!" y/n helped cooper up, walking him over to a bench on the side of the park. "yeah, i'm fine, babe." he laughed at how serious she took his fall, but seeing the blood on his face kinda freaked her out.

y/n placed both of their boards on the ground and grabbed the first aid kit from her backpack. she wiped the blood from his face." this might hurt a little, sorry." she smiled sympathetically before putting some gel above his eyebrow. cooper winced slightly, too busy staring at y/n to feel much pain. she looked beautiful so concentrated and worried about a simple little cut.

y/n placed a band-aid over the cut, and placed a soft kiss on the band-aid. "there! all better!" she smiled. she began cleaning up his hands and knees, placing a band-aid across his left finger that was also bleeding. "thank you, y/n. it feels better already." she placed one last kiss on his hand, "your welcome."

"hey, i think i have a boo-boo on my lips too."

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