"No, Jiminie, it's nothing like that at all. He's just trying to surprise you with something and he needed us to distract you for a while so that he can get it done," Taehyung explained, hoping that the youngest wouldn't think too negatively.

Jimin's eyes lit up, trying to think of Jungkook going out of his way to plan something sweet for him. It was making his heart soar like an eagle. He was falling hard. 

"Surprise?" Jimin asked, his smile growing as he wondered what the surprise could be. 

Taehyung and Hoseok looked at each other with a small smile growing on their lips too. They were so happy, deep down, for Jungkook. They've known the leader for five years, even before he became the leader of their clan. They knew Jungkook when he was just twenty and a dark, brooding youth. And although not much has changed over the years, they could swear that they've never seen him this happy before. 

Namjoon and Hoseok were the first two to join the mafia. Followed by Seokjin, Taehyung and Yoongi respectively. That was why, even if Jungkook was hard to bare, Hoseok still had Jungkook's back. Hoseok watched Jungkook grow up from a teenager to a ruthless manic. Namjoon guided the mafia leader when he was growing up. Taehyung joined second to last, but being the same age as Jungkook, they clicked from the start; both men with their own hidden agendas at first. They wanted to see the world in pain and despair. Now, things were changing. 

Although Jimin had entered and seemed to have only touched Jungkook's heart, the truth was that he touched everyone's hearts. He had that impact wherever he went. His kindness could change a lot of things. Of course, it couldn't change what the mafia was, but it changed what they stood for. They no longer believed that the entire world deserves pain and suffering. They now believe that those who do wrong to the good deserve the worst possible pain. That is exactly what they were going to do from now on. 

Seeing Jimin change Jungkook's heart slowly from the start is what made Taehyung and Hoseok smile to each other. They knew very well what Jungkook was, and what he now is. They wouldn't have encouraged this change, but they always wanted him happy. Taehyung's happiness was in his art. Namjoon's was in his plants and gardening. Seokjin found his happiness in taking care of their mafia and being the mother. Yoongi and Hoseok found their happiness in each other. Jungkook was the only one who was miserable and refused to find something to make him happy for a moment. Now, he had it. He had Jimin. 

"Yes, he's trying to surprise you, but don't tell him that we told you," Taehyung offered a small smile as he got up to leave. He left the living room and headed to the kitchen to get drinks for the three of them, leaving Hoseok and Jimin in solitude. 

"So... Are you happy with us?" Hoseok randomly brought up. The youngest turned his attention to Hoseok, tilting his head gently. 

"What do you mean?" Jimin questioned. He assumed that everyone knew that he was happy. He wasn't miserable. Sure, it took a long while to get adjusted to living with six strangers, but he adjusted nonetheless. Now, he can't imagine going a day without them. 

"I mean... You were forced to stay here. But, if given the chance now, would you leave?" Hoseok questioned. Internally, he needed to see what Jimin's intentions were. It was no secret that Jungkook was falling in love with the blonde, but it was also obvious that Jimin would miss his family soon and want to leave. And while that was one hundred percent okay, Hoseok also knew that would tear Jungkook apart because the older man was sensitive. Jungkook knows that there would be no choice between him and Mr. Park. Jimin would always choose his family over his... What? His what? What were Jimin and Jungkook? They weren't just a fling, but were they fuck buddies? Were they more? 

"Uh... Given the choice... I wouldn't want to leave, but I can't stay here forever, every day, without leaving. I have to go out and meet my family too... Would that... Would that be okay, in the future?" Jimin asked shyly, knowing that the idea of him leaving might upset the mafia. 

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