:The Werewolf On My Doorstep:7: Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

He recoils in shock as I shout the words, face contorting into an agonized expression. Jeez, he looks so helpless that he's breaking my heart even as my mind spins out of control. “I-I am so very sorry I have frightened you, I never meant for this to happen.” He thinks I'm afraid of him? How could I be afraid of him when he's done nothing to scare me? Well, besides turning into a wolf. My eyes widen as he turns his back on me, walking to the edge of the clearing. He's not going to leave me here, is he?

“Xavier, I'm not-”

“You should go home Arianna. When I shift I am not in total control, I do not wish for you to be anymore frightened of me than you already are.” His shoulders tense as a car drives by, shaking his head to himself. He's really just going to leave, isn't he.

“Xavier! I'm not scared of you. I just- its a lot to take in, alright? You gotta let me wrap my head around the fact that you're a-”

“Monster? You do not have to lie to spare my feelings, I was expecting this reaction from you.” The hard, blank edge in his voice makes me feel even worse. How the hell did this go from a conversation about what he is to him degrading himself? “Your father will come looking for you, il mio amore.” Huh? What did he just say?

“I wasn't going to call you a monster, I don't think you are one. But you can't just expect me to be fine and dandy about this. You just showed me, or rather showed me, that you're not human and my dad hunts... Werewolves. Its just not normal.” None of this is normal and its really starting to annoy me that I don't know what he said. Why the hell didn't I take a foreign language class when I had the chance? Amore means love, doesn't it? I think it does, but why the hell would he be saying that?

“You want me to leave though, do you not?” He blinks back at me carefully, smiling sadly when no sound comes out of my mouth. Damn it, why did I have to choose now to go silent, huh? “I will stay away as much as I can, but I will make sure you are safe before I leave completely.” No matter how badly it looks like he wants to stay, he actually means that and that scares me.

That's it? He thinks he's just gonna walk away and leave me with all these questions? “No, you are not leaving. You're going to my answer my damn question and then you're going back to the house with me.” Him leaving jut so does not work for me. He's not going anywhere until I figure out why the hell it matters so much to me if he leaves. Then, then he can leave, unless I've got more questions and if that's the case then his furry ass isn't going anywhere.

His eyes flash and he sighs. Huh, evidently someone doesn't like being told what to do. Well that's just too damn bad. “Arianna, your father will not allow me to stay he would rather kill me himself.” I flinch at the reminder, how could my dad have lied to me all these years? Thinking of him killing anyone, even if they're not human, makes me sick and I want to deny it, but how can I?

“So? Look, you can't just drop a bombshell like that and not answer my questions. Damn it, it doesn't work that way, not even in your dreams does it work that way. No get your ass over here and start talking.” He looks shocked at the demand in my voice, but walks back over to me, stopping a careful distance away as his sinks down to the ground.

“What would you like to know, il mio amore?” There's those words again, damn I really wish I knew what they meant. But hell, I've had a hard enough time with the English language. I'll just have ask Eva later if she knows what they mean, the girl's like a walking, talking computer.

“How could I hear you when you were-um, a wolf?” Okay, that question didn't sound as weird in my head as it did when I said it out loud. Maybe I should have just let him go and kept my mouth shut.

His eyes close briefly and when they re-open he almost looks desperate to get out of answering that one and I have no idea why. “Is there another question, or is your mind set on that one?”

“Why is that question so hard for you to answer?” Its not a complicated question is it? I mean, its not like I'm asking him something terribly hard. Why can't he just get it out of the way?

“As you said this is a lot for you to absorb, telling you too much now would not be good for you. I will answer the question if you are dead set on it, but I think that particular question should wait until you are used to the idea of my being... different.” If only different were all that he was.

“I-alright, but do you promise to tell me if I ask later?” For some odd reason I have to know the answer to that question, I just have to. Not knowing it is driving me insane with the guesses and I don't like that. I don't like not knowing something that could turn out to be detrimental. It just doesn't work for me. Ever.

“You have my word, now what are your other questions?”

“How do you become a Werewolf?” Urgh, I hate that freaking word, it just sounds so-so... weird. I get that that is what he is, but couldn't there be another word he could use? This whole situation is starting to sound like a bad Hollywood horror movie or someshit.

“You are either born one or turned into one. I would rather not go into details right now if you do not mind. It seems your father sent out a search party for you.” I frown at him, looking around the tree to see Trevor and Dunkan walking towards, quietly bickering to themselves. “Those are your friends, right?”

“Friends, isn't the word I would use for them, but yeah, I guess.” Dunkan's a man whore hell bent on making my life complete and utter hell and Trevor is just... Trevor's too sweet for his own good, let's just put it that way. Despite the fact that they're brothers the two don't get along at all and most of the time its fun to watch them bicker, other times their presence annoys the hell out of me. Like now.

“Hey Arianna, why don't you say goodbye to Mr. Tall Blond and Brooding and come see what we got you for your birthday. Oh and by the way, I might have accidentally told your dad about that night we spent together a couple of weeks ago.” Dunkan smirks as my face pales. Perfect, I am so grounded.

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I know its short, sorry, its all I had wrote.

One question:

Why do you guys think Arianna could hear Xavier when he was in wolf form?

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