clay's mom could see that clay and george felt a little awkward, so she decided to remove herself from the conversation to give them some privacy. "i'll let you guys say bye to each other, i'll just be in the living room," she said as she walked inside, leaving the door cracked just wide enough that it wouldn't lock.

once she was gone, clay and george turned to each other. george spoke first, "i would hug you, but you're wet."

"understandable," clay accepted.

"i also wouldn't kiss you in case you got rabies from that rancid lake water," george half-joked.

clay rolled his eyes, "oh come on." george giggled and clay was able to kiss his forehead while he wasn't paying attention.

"hey!" george scolded, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

"i hope you get rabies," clay stole george's joke. george scoffed and clay said his goodbyes, "goodnight."

"goodnight," george echoed. "sorry if i offended you by wiping your kiss off," he sarcastically apologized.

"it's okay," clay assured. he carried on the joke, "just don't do it after i show you my negative rabies test."

they shared a laugh and george responded, "i won't."

clay looked down at george with admiration, studying the way that the porch light illuminated the high points of his face.

"i need to go home if we actually want to go on that vacation," george giggled lightly as he talked to make his words more lighthearted.

clay snapped out of his trance, "huh?"

george playfully punched clay's chest, causing the blond's body to rock back a little bit. "you were staring so hard that you can't even hear me," george complained with a smile. the truth was that he could never get tired of the emerald pools in clay's eyes staring at him, but he would never admit that.

"you have to go, don't you?" clay guessed with a disappointed expression.

"i do," george confirmed. he continued, "and you need to shower."

clay had nearly forgotten that he was soaked in lake water- and had no pants on. "right," he remembered.

"bye," the corners of george's mouth turned up as he talked. he spoke as he started to walk away, "i hope your rabies test is negative."

"thank you," clay appreciated. he got jokingly sappy in contrast to george's behavior, "goodbye my beautiful, perfect, amazing, delicious, incredible boyfriend."

george flipped clay off as he walked to his car, hearing the blond laugh to himself followed by the creak of the front door opening.


after a short conversation with his parents, george's vacation plans were official. for the next few days, he sent an insane amount of reminders to his group chat with himself, clay, alex, karl, and sapnap. everyone thought it was unnecessary, but george knew that at least one of them would manage to forget when they were leaving.

as predicted by clay's mom, george had to go over to help him pack his suitcase. they were going for a week, but they would probably just be wearing swimsuits and t-shirts the whole time. george easily overpacked for himself, but he had a better sense of judgement when it came to helping others pack.

"clay, i promise you aren't going to need more than one pair of sweatpants- you probably won't even wear them," george insisted as clay shoved three pairs of sweatpants into his suitcase that was already getting too full.

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