Introduction to iGO eBooks

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1. Fundraising -

2. Financial Matters

3. Find out what they want

4. Applications/Budgets

5. Training Courses and Conferences

6. VAT and Tax Issues

7. Tax Relief on Vocational Training

8. Contracts

9. Sale of Goods

10.Cash Flow

11.Avoid surprises

12.General VAT Rule for Income

13.Gift Aid declaration must include

14.A list of prospects

15.Acceptable Use Policy


17.Be clear about why you need the money

18.Be persistent

19.Be specific in your approach

20.Benefits for the Prospective

21.Benefits received by Donors


23.Charity auctions

24.Charity Trading

25.Choosing a secure online credit card

26.Church collections

27.Claiming back higher rate tax




31.Deduction of tax

32.Deposit covenants

33.Determine need

34.Education Trusts



37.For local companies

38.Foreign owned mufti-national companies.


40.Fundraising using your charity status

41.Getting in touch

42.Gift Aid

43.Gift Aid declarations : Introduction

44.Gift Aid for Companies from Appeals

45.Gifts to charity made by companies

46.Global issues


48.Have they donated previous

49.How companies reply to you

50.How long should records be retained

51.How long will it take to get our money

52.How to check if you have paid enough tax

53.How to claim Corporation Tax Relief

54.How to find out which firms to approach

55.Identify the need and research


57.Important points to consider

58.In-depth research assessing



61.Internet Fundraising Guidelines

62.Internet protocol






68.Keeping Gift Aid records

69.Key factors in approaching companies

70.Larger local companies

71.Looking at the bigger picture

72.Means of keeping records

73.Meta tags

74.National Lottery

75.Newham Youth Lodge Hostel Project - Case study

76.Now you can write it

77.Organisation information

78.Package your project

79.Particular situations

80.Plan ahead

81.Plan the proposal

82.Policy could include issues

83.Prepare appeal letter

84.Project Descriptions

85.Provision of literature

86.Records to be maintained

87.Reporting to funders

88.Research the donor

89.Social Enterprise Strategy Plan

90.Steps to work through

91.Subjects covered

92.The donor benefit rue

93.The relevant value test

94.Statement of need

95.The Types of companies that give

96.Time limits for calming

97.To find key contacts in companies


99.Trusts and Foundations

100. Useful resources

101. Valuating donor benefits

102. VAT & Tax Matters

103. Ways to minimize risk

104. Web

105. What are the objectless of the Trust/Foundation

106. What companies give

107. What is a benefit

108. Who appeals will be targeted at

109. Why companies give

110. Why is this project necessary

111. Work involved - Historically

112. World Wide Web

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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Fundraising from Companies and Charitable Trusts, FoundationsWhere stories live. Discover now