𝟎𝟖𝟑; ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ

Mulai dari awal

That made many feel quite scared.

Looks truly are deceiving.

There stood Amelie. Her black hair was pulled up into a neat bun, only leaving a few strands of hair to frame her face. She wore a knee length beige gardening skirt, and a white shortsleeved button up shirt that was nicely tucked in, and a pair of maryjane styled black shoes.

She seems to be tending to a Aeslephirin, which is a rare, small plant and can be found only in some savannas.

They gasped seeing that plant.

"You have an Aeslephirin?" Ophelia asked.

"Mhm. Half a dozen actually." Amelie answered.

"Lucky. Astrophel wouldn't let me have one. Says I'm too irresponsible to have an Aeslephirin." Ophelia said.

Louis, Hermione, and Ron, sent her looks.

"Good job on him. Who knows what you would have done with an Aeslephirin." Hermione said.

"Murder most likely." Ron answered.

It has tiny, diamond shaped leaves, which are usually emerald. It also grows large flowers, which can be white and light orange.

The Aeslephirin, it is banned in over 180 counties, Amelie had to get it illegally. due to how dangerous it is.

"How?!" Barty spluttered.

"Secret." Amelie winked.

As every part of the plant is poisonous to the point where even touching it without the correct kind of protection can cause major damage.

Despite that Amelie is able to touch it with her bear hands without any problem.

"Wait what—?"

For she has complete immunity to all poisons, viruses, bacteria, and fungi.


All due to the fact she built that immunity by consuming poison throughout her life way before she even met Ophiuchus.

"What the fuck?!" They had turned and looked at Amelie with concern.

"What? Mithridates VI Eupator, he was the ruler of the Kingdom of Pontus. He cultivated an immunity to poisons by regularly ingesting poison." She just shrugged. "It's normal."


Now because of that her blood is filled with more toxin that most of the world's most deathly poison, she take kill over a thousand people with just a single ounce of her blood.

Ophelia started at her, wondering what she can do with Amelie's blood. Or if she could do something similar to her own blood.

Why did she does this?

Yes the question they want answered.

Nobody really knows besides herself.

"For me to know." Amelie told them.

"Amelie." Ophiuchus called getting her attention.

"Oh your here." Amelie said in a bored tone looking at him. "Go away. Yule Break literally just got started today. I'm busy I need to check up on my lovelies."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃; ʜᴘ (𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang