The Life I Know

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Marigold's POV

"I'm coming!" I shouted to the head housekeeper, Mrs. Macready.

"The Professor expected his tea and tobacco minutes ago, hurry up!" She scolded me with her glare. "And no shouting, you know the rules!"

I nodded before picking up the tray and rushing out the door. I didn't run though, as that was against the rules as well. I went up the stairs, heading towards the Professor's study.

I've lived in this mansion my whole life practically, so I had a thorough understanding of the rules. The Professor employed my father to work in the stables when I was a child and allowed me to reside in the maid quarters so long as I assisted with the chores. The Professor was very generous and kind to us as it was just us two.

My father passed away some time ago, leaving me an orphan since my mother died in childbirth. The Professor, knowing I was alone and unprepared for the world, allowed me to stay with him as a maid and general help, something I was extremely thankful for. In the eyes of the government, he became my legal guardian. 

I am quite content and happy with my life. I have never considered traveling around the world or doing anything beyond my current lifestyle. I live in a beautiful mansion with some wonderful people and have a stable life.

The only thing missing in my life was love. Although I had the love of my friends and family, I longed for romantic love. Despite being a mature and dignified woman, I can't help but feel lonely at times. However, I knew that finding romance where I was currently living was unlikely, seeing as I didn't want to leave.

I balanced the tray on one hand before knocking on the Professor's door. "Come in." I heard through the door. I grabbed the tray with both hands again before pushing the door open and looking up. I spotted the Professor sitting at his desk, multiple books open before him.

"Ah, Mari dear, there you are." He greeted me with a smile.

"Hello, Professor." I greeted back with a smile of my own. Even though I worked for him, he treated me like family, something that I greatly cherished.

I took his tobacco off the tray and placed it on the desk in front of him. It was a beautiful silver container shaped like an apple. The side was decorated with multiple pictures; there was a woman, a horse with wings, a beautiful flower, and a few other depictions that I couldn't decipher as they had long faded. I took his tea and placed it on the table behind him, placing his cups upside-down - just as he liked them.

"You are too sweet to me, dear." He told me with a gentle smile. "I always tell you, Professor, that I owe you my life," I said gratefully. "I don't know where I would be without you." 

He brushed off my comment, aware that he wouldn't be able to change my mind. "I want to inform you that in a few days, we'll be hosting a family of four children from London. The war has become too dangerous for them, so they're being evacuated." He informed me.

"A few days? Does Mrs. Macready know?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yes, I've asked her to worry about the food and preparations while I wanted you to prepare their rooms. You have a more homely touch than she does and I think the children would do well with what you do." He told me. 

"Would the two rooms in the East wing be suitable? They are the only ones with windows that overlook an open space. I think the children would enjoy the view." I asked the Professor. He chuckled softly, appreciating my concern for the children.

"That sounds wonderful. Plus, it'll be safer. Fewer breakables." The Professor said making us both chuckle. 

"I'll get straight to work then. The rooms will be ready by tomorrow night." I nodded. "Thank you, Mari. I'll take care of cleaning up my tea tonight, you get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow." The Professor smiled and bid me goodnight.

Pure Heart // Aslan x OC Reader // Chronicles of NarniaWhere stories live. Discover now