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Ayano went back home delighted.

She decided to text info-chan of her process. She grabbed her phone with a smile she's never smiled before.

Ayano 7:01
Info you were right! I've got close with senpai. I'm sure osana will back off and he'll be mine! But what happend with raibaru?

Info Chan 7:03
You will see on the news later on.

Ayano didn't think much of it.

Ayano walked over to spy on her beloved senpai.
She saw osana there.

"Ayano seems like a nice girl." Taro said.

Ah! Senpai is taking about me! Heehee! Ayano thought

"She is but...where's Raibaru! I've been texted her! And she wasn't here yesterday!" Osana said worried.

Raibaru...forgot about her. Well who cares! Ayano thought as she walked over.

"You guys on this street too?" Ayano asked.

"Yes we live on this street." Taro said.
"Hi ayano." Osana smiled.

"Hello osana." She smiled.
"Aee you going to walk with us?" Taro asked ayano.

Ayano had light blush.
"Sure I'd love to." Ayano said.

Ayano walked 2 school with her 2 new friends.

"So ayano would to company us at lunch?" Taro asked.

"Sure why not." Ayano said.

"You know ayano we still haven't got to know you well enough." Osana said.

"Do you want to go and ask me questions then?" Ayano said.

"Mhm! Let's see do you have any other friends?" Osana asked.

"Yes. I chat with a few people here and there,  so I got basically friends." Ayano said.

"Um do you have any siblings?" Taro asked.

"Yes. I have a brother named ayato. He goes to the same school as us. But he hasn't been here for awhile cause my parents had to take him to the hospital." Ayano said.

"Why?" Osana asked curiously.
"Don't ask osana it's probably  something personal." Taro said.

"Its fine but yes I won't talk about it." Ayano said.

"Okay then how about what your hobby?" Osana asked.

"Maybe reading. I read all type of books." Ayano said knowing that would impress senpai but instead.

"That's really cool ayano! My hobby was always kinda drawing." Osana said.

"What do you draw osana?" Ayano asked her.

Osana blushed. "N-no one." She said.

"No one?" Ayano said confussed.
Osana hide her face.

"I meant n-nothing s-stop looking at me you idiot!" She said.

"Back to classic osana." Taro chuckled.

"I- what does that mean?" Osana said. The trio had made it to the gate of the school.

Ayano looked around to see many girls all taking to each other and saw a whole bunch of classmates talking about something.

"What are they up to?" Ayano said.

" there probably gossiping over the thing the bullies were talking about." Osana sighed picking at her skin.

"Whats the new rumor?" Ayano asked.

"They were talking of someone going around killing people. The all thought it was me....they all said the girls were close to me in a way." Taro said.

"Yeah I'd highly doubt senpai would kill anyone. He's too soft." Osana giggled.

Ayano smiled at osana.
Wait- are people on to me for killing the girls ayano thought.

"Ayano!" Osana yelled in her face.
"Sorry! I spaced out." Ayano said looking right into osana's face.

Osana blushed and walked backwards almost bumping into taro.

"Whats up ayano?" Taro asked.

"N-nothing it was just a space out." Ayano said.

"I'll- i- im- I'll just catch up with you guys later!" Osana said running into the shcool building.

"Is she okay?" Ayano said.

Taro chuckled.

"Whats up do you know something?" Ayano said.

"Yeah she's just classic osana when she's ne- um never mind ill see you later aya." Taro said.

Ayano blushed as she watched her senpai walk away.

He just gave me a nickname! She thought to herself.

There was a ding on ayanos phone. Eveyone else even had got a notification.

Ayano looked at her phoen and clicked on it. Her mouth dropped.

It was a post on the shcools news paper app.

Today's head line was

High schools student Raibaru found dead at 8:00

Ayano was shocked. Why was Raibaru  dead?! And did info Chan know. Did info Chan kill her? But why would she!?

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