CHAPTER 97. Voice In My Head

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  "You still have a high temperature," Dune announced and looked down at me with a frown. "Don't overdo it,"

I saluted him from where I sat on my bed. "Aye aye captain, taking it easy sounds great," I paused and glanced at Cross, who was still in my room. "You're scared to go down aren't you?"

Cross blanched. "What?!"

Dune waved a hand. "It's fine Cross, no one is overly mad at you, except maybe Nicholas. He keeps muttering under his breath,"

I kicked my legs back and forth. "Is Aaron here in the house still? Or did he head home?" 

Dune placed the thermometer on my side table and nodded. "He's still here, surprisingly. Apparently his dad is doing some of his work," Dune paused as I stood on slightly wobbly legs. "Raven, you need rest,"

I scowled. "I'm mostly fine, I want to see him before he thinks I'm well enough to leave without worrying," I announced and placed my hands on my hips. "I honestly don't feel that bad, please?"

Dune studied me before he sighed. "Fine, but if you start feeling worse, will you go back to bed?"

I nodded seriously. "Yes, I promise," I agreed, not lying. I glanced at Cross one last time before I walked over to the door as Dune placed a hand on his shoulder and murmured something in his ear.

I left the two of them in my room, no doubt they were going to talk, but my dirty mind imagined less pg-13 things. Do they only kiss Fallon? I know Cross kissed Lion once to tease me, but do they- my thoughts paused as I reached the bottom of the steps.

"Aaron!" I called in delight and jumped up, expecting the werewolf to catch me despite the mug in his hands.

My legs wrapped around his waist as he quickly put his mug down, coffee nearly meeting the ground. I snuggled into him and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm not contagious, Dune said so," I told him happily.

"How are you feeling?" Aaron asked, the way he spoke suggesting he was asking more about my physical ailment. I fiddled with the collar of his shirt and hesitated.

"I everything will be okay, so I feel better," I happily slapped a hand on his chest.

Aaron touched his cheek to my forehead, feeling my temperature. "Hmm, if you say so," he mused and I looked up at his dark blue eyes.

Aaron reached out, a frown on his face, brushing the chain around my neck. My lips parted as he began to pull it out of my shirt curiously, pausing as the door bell rang, and the ring dropped back down.

He set me down on my feet, and I grabbed his hand as he walked over to the door opening it. Aaron paused, and I scowled seeing Cael, who's lips parted. "You answer the door? Do you live here now?" Cael asked angrily, neck growing red.

"Is there a reason you're here if you didn't know I was?" Aaron questioned, voice holding no room for Cael to be difficult.

Cael hesitated, and I watched my mate's face as his eyes flashed black.  "Tell me." there was something I haven't heard from Aaron before, what was it called in werewolf books? Compulsion? Either way, it sounded hot.

My eyes flickered to Cael and I froze, hand falling from Aaron's. Cael's aura was different from last time I saw him. It was angry, and black.

Just like the necromancer's had been. Cael began his explanation, but I hardly heard him, and Aaron wasn't listening either. "Raven, what's wrong?"

I bit my trembling lip and found my eyes drifting out the open door, feet moving without me even thinking. It was like something from Jujitsu Kisen, or Ghost Wife, strange creatures floating anxiously in my yard.

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