Chapter 13: All Hate

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“Harry get the HELL up and tell me why the girls are holding an asleep Jenny with tears on her cheeks!!!!”  She yells.  I watch behind her as he just shifts before we hear a snore leave his lips. Lex is about to attack Harry,  but I couldn't let her do that, I grab her waist and drag her out of the room, with her cursing at me to let her go. I do and then sit on her not to let her go attack my bandmate.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I hated how she was yelling at Niall. Stepping in I had to help my bandmate, I felt sorry for him. After she yells me to move I do, letting my mind tell me to tell her when she was done attacking Niall. Once she finished with him and Niall runs out the door, it was my turn to tell the truth.  When she sits on the couch she looks around out us.  “Jenny I cheated on you last night with my ex Caroline, I am so sorry, but I was drunk, so I didn't know.”  I said. I watch as her face contorts

“Wow! Harry, you are such an asshole!! I fucking Hate you!! How could you!!???!! You knew what I went through with guys, but you copy them. Really I thought you were different, but guess not since your Mr. Popstar from One Direction.”  She screams at me.  I knew the whole hotel could hear her. I just let her yell, punch, scream at me, letting all her anger out.  I couldn't take it take all the hurt she was yelling at me, so I walk back to my room where I curl into a ball and cry. I cry for the pain I caused her, myself, the group, and  everything that I love.  After about a minute I hear her scream at someone not to touch her before she stomps pasted my room and enters Liam’s and Zayn’s room slamming the door. With that I let all the tears fall that I held.  Sometimes thing fall into different places.

I knew that Lex came in earlier about yelling at my about Jenny, but I acted like I was asleep so she could go away and she did with the help of Niall.  I needed to talk to Jenny and the best way I could is alone. I hear some people pass the my door. After it is quiet I walk down to Liams room, opening it I find Karina and Jenny talking. I lean against the doorway listening in.

“I just wish this would stop happening to me, you know I really just wish boys should stop coming for me.” I hear Jenny say. Okay time for me to stop.

“Uh, Jenny could I ah, talk... to... yah?”  I stutter.  Nodding her head Karina cautiously gets out of the room to join the others.  “What do you want Mr. Pop Star?” She says putting air quotes on Mr. Pop Star. Taking I deep breath I begin.

“Jenny, I really never meant to hurt you. I just, just., everything came on me, when you left me there in the van with you worried. I just felt neglected and that you really didn't want me.  When I drink, you can ask the lads I black out and my alter ego comes out, I don't remember anything until someone tells me. Please Jenny I love you, please take me back.” I beg getting on my knees in front of her.  Taking her hands that are hanging in front of me I kiss the top and hold them to my forehead like they were my lifeline.

“Harry if you promise me not to pull that stunt again then I will take you back.” Jenny says. I look up making sure she is telling the truth.  Nodding her I jump  up and kiss her forehead, before screaming YES! I pull her to her feet and hold her with all my might,  wishing I never let her go in  the first place. Everyone runs into the room giving us weird looks, until I scream, “We got back together!!!” Everyone claps, I can see Liam's face fall in the corner and Lex giving me a questioning look.  We will see how all of this works.

We order some take out and relax for a while.  We play some cards until Lex tells us about a game her and the girls play, it is called progressive rummy, an off of phase 10.  We played that for a while to Rachel and Louis wanted to go party. Lex found a club nearby, we split to get ready and we would meet each other at 10 so we would get there with the bar.  So with that I go get ready to have a hot and sexy night with my girl and friends.

*Karina's P.O.V.*

Tonight was not the best night, with Lex and Niall  including Harry and Jenny and all the fighting. I am happy both of them are together again. Now we are going to work with all the problems that are going to and ready. All of us girls have some sort of dresses on.  I am in a simple green dress that hugs my upper body and flares at the waist to right above my knee, Rachel is wearing a white and blue striped dress that hugs her all over with a  poof at the bottom. Lex is in a strapless simple light blue tight dress hugging her curves, and a brown vest, finally jenny is in a purple dress that flows to a light lower than mid thigh, one shouldered. We all had our hair flat iron and makeup natural. All were ready and we called the boys room telling them we would meet them in the lobby.  

When we walk out the boys mouths drop, since we have never dressed to impress that much this was their first time seeing us like this. I hope that none of them think that Rachel, Lex, or I are going to do anything more than kiss and make out with them. I have no clue what's going to happen to Jenny. I know that she won't drink because she doesn't like to drink. I hope that Harry respects her decision not to drink. I also hope that things work out with Jenny and Harry because Jenny has been hurt so many times by guys. If Harry hurts her again I will let Lex hurt him. Jenny is my best friend and she has been through a lot. Zayn smiles at me and I link our arms. He kisses my forehead and I smile. God he is so sweet. Harry puts his hand on Jenny’s lower back. He better watch his hand placement, otherwise I will call him out for it.

“You look beautiful, Katrina.” Zayn whispers in my ear. “You look handsome, Zayn.” I say back to him. Lex and Niall are too cute together. They are like the perfect couple. Yes Lex almost left but, that is because she cares about everyone and she can sometimes forget that guys get jealous. This is also her first relationship so I don't expect everything they do to be perfect. Lou and Rachel are laughing at nothing. Liam, oh poor Liam, has no date but that means he can party with any girl he wants at the club. “Is Liam gonna dance with random girls at the club?” I ask Zayn. He shakes his head, “I’m surprised he is even coming. He might have come to make sure that everyone is safe getting home. I can tell you that a few of us might get drunk.” “Jenny, doesn't drink at all. I have had a few sips of beer and other drinks but I have never had my own. I might try some today. I don't really party though.” I say to him. He looks at Jenny with wide eyes, “Really? I thought for sure that Jenny would drink her pain away. She seems like the party girl of the group.” I start to laugh as we continue to walk to the club.  Oh how he is so true, yet so wrong.

The club was packed, but we got in quickly.  The boys drag everyone to the bar, while Liam grabs a booth. I felt bad for him since he had no one and couldn't drink.  Oh well.  I sip on some fruity drink Zayn got me. It was strong, but I know he will look after me. After we both finish our drinks  I drag him with me to the dance floor with the rest. The boys leave to get more drinks as the girls and I keep dancing.  Soon all the boys come out, except Harry and Liam. Jenny is not buzzed so she notices, all of us.   Jenny excuse herself to the bathroom. Everyone else keeps dancing. Heading to the booth because our feet hurt.  Walking in Liam is gone,but Harry is there making out with the Caroline Flack! Really  he just got Jenny back and then he pulls this crap! We hear a gasp behind us and find Jenny. Tears start to stream down her cheeks, Harry pulls out of his make out session when Jenny chokes out a sob. His wide get huge, he starts to blubber about how he was sorry. Liam comes to see the issue and when he does his eyes turn to anger. Jenny runs out of the club, us girls quickly following.  We find Jenny outside leaning against the wall crying. Pulling her into a group hug Lex hails a taxi so we could leave. Texting Zayn I told him what was going on. Lets just hope Jenny goes into a depressed state.

*3rd P.O.V.*

Oh, Harry what have you done! Let us see what wil happen to the couple, and the rest the girls leave tomorrow night!

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