~1~ A Second Start

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        "How long do we have?"
"Two hours."
        "... which one do you want me to read this time?"
        My girlfriend— though she's so much more than that, we're not married yet so saying wife is a bit too much... for me— is the most annoyingly adorable person in the mornings. I don't think it's normal to go right from collapsing into sleep together after a night of passion to waking up a few hours later just to cuddle and have me read different stories to her before we actually start our day. But then what about our lives has been normal since the beginning of our summer break?
         I looked at where my lover crouched by my bookshelf and hunted for a particular book she wanted. Her bitonal hair dragged on the floor as she moved to look at the spines. I still had to laugh that she always would throw on the shirt I had worn the day before whenever she wanted me to read to her. This adorable almost childish side of hers was rarer now that we had been away from school for a bit. Before I had been the only one to see beneath the mask. Now she didn't even want the mask of perfection. It would be interesting to see how our schoolmates handled the real Kumi. Now I was likely going to be the only one she'd feel comfortable showing this soft needy side I had dubbed Ku-kun. Ku-kun was a necessity for her. It was the only time she could experience being cared for. Her mother was not the best at actual caretaking. It was obvious that she loved her daughter and doted on her. But her life had created a worldview full of calculation, manipulation, and false faces that made her come off as either unfeeling or constantly scheming. It had created a need for Kumi that I was more than willing to help fill.
"This one."
I almost had to laugh as I saw the book she had brought. It was one of the few action-based yuri mangas I had and was noticeably one that had an ecchi bend that hinted towards a harem to come in later instalments. In short, it would have been a very raunchy shonen story, if the protagonist had been a guy instead of a girl. It was a very Kumi choice. I sat up and took the book while Kumi crawled onto my lap and snuggled into me. There was something odd and a bit arousing from feeling my own shirt pressed against my bare skin while wrapped around her curves. It had definitely become a much-appreciated part of our odd morning ritual. As if on cue we were joined by the other member of our family, who greeted us with an adorable cheery nya as she scampered in and curled up in Kumi's lap. I loved the fact that our entire relationship could be traced back to me trying to cheer up this tiny ball of white fluff. Lily was very much our love child even though she was a cat. With everyone settled in their place, I opened the book and began to read.

I adore spending mornings like this with my two most special girls.
My smaller height— something I used to absolutely hate my mother for— had finally proven perfect. It allowed me to get away with snuggling my Hayami in ways that would have been awkward if I was even slightly taller. Plus I was always happy when I could convince her to not wear anything to bed, which was most nights now. It wasn't because I loved seeing her naked body sparkling as the light caught her impressive collection of piercings. Well alright. It wasn't only that, or because I loved seeing her soft hints at curves and just how graceful her long slender body looked. But it also meant that I could easily get the last shirt she wore to wear after I woke up and set all our things in order for the day. I just wanted to surround myself with the scent of my wife for as long as I could. Plus with how drastic the differences between our body types were, her shirts became very flattering minidresses on me. While she and our little Lily slept, I would check on what we had planned, selected our outfits based on tastes and vibes, made sure we had the ingredients for breakfast and lunch ready for easy grabbing with Hayami woke and got to cooking, checked for mail, looked over the program contract and various paperwork including budget and acceptable forms of employment, and then took pictures of Hayami and Lily as they slept. Then I would slide into our futon and return to lounging in her embrace.
I know that I can be a little childish when I'm like this. When I'm in Ku-kun mode. But it's something I never got to be before and I can with her. Plus I think she needs someone to care for like this too.
           I looked up at my wife's face and saw her fidget with the earring she had on most recently added to the very middle of the outer rim of her left ear. It was a simple thick ring with an inset of onyx stones just big enough to fit around a finger. I couldn't help but blush whenever I saw it. It was such a simple-looking earring but it meant the world to me. I still felt warm at the very sight of my more ornately jewelled matching earring she had put in my left ear. Sadly the bite she had given my neck that day was no longer there, but right now I just wanted to feel her body next to mine. I snuggled deeper into her chest and kissed her collarbone studs gently. She didn't even stop reading as she nuzzled her head against the top of mine. I honestly couldn't imagine how to live without her in my life. Lily seemed to be feeling left out of our affections, as she climbed out of my lap and tried to slip into the narrow space between us as we snuggled.
         "Can we just stay like this forever?"
         "How about we settle for every morning like this?"
         "What about the rest of the time?"
         "You get to show off your sexy boss side and I get to be soft."
         "I do like how adorable you can be, and being the one who you beg for affection."
          "School starts again today..."
          "We have to pick our path for instruction."
          "No, at least not about that."
          "Then what?"
           I let out a little moan. It wasn't fair.
          "That? Still? I thought we talked about this."
          "I know, but..."
          "It'll be fine."
          "It's my choice."
          "Hmph. It's not fair though."
           "It's exactly fair."
           "But what about your dream?!"
            My wife put down the manga and lifted my face so she was staring at me with those beautiful ice blue eyes of hers. Eyes that contrasted her short messy mop of stunning dark crimson hair. They weren't the daggers of when she was detached or unemotional. They were swirling pools filled with her love. It was completely unfair of her.
            "My deepest wish is to be with you forever and help you. The rest I already am working towards. Let me do this for you."
            "Fine... cheater."
            That sparked a laugh and she tilted my chin up a bit to allow her to kiss me, drowning my worries in the ecstasy of feeling her lips on mine and tasting her. It was enough to lose myself in.

Pearled Oysters Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now