Do you Envy the water?

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The train tracks rattled across the hills, the bullet shaped hull carving through fields and tunnelling through mountains,

A nine year old Yuki looks at the lake, it's all consuming vastness almost stretched to the horizon, yet this mass of blue was so... calm thousands of patterns rippling across its surface

"It's so calm, doesn't have to move, doesn't even make waves."
"Makes sence you would look at a lake and see it as lazy."
"It's so cool though!"

"Only my troublemaker son, looking at a beautiful sight like this and thinking of a way to slack off, do you envy the water?"
Yuki turned his head facing to the other side of the train,
"Not really, there's no TV in a lake, and no snacks seems boring."

Approximately 5683 Days later:

A fisherman rowed into the lake, his eyes trained onto the lake his seasoned senses could almost detect the fish underwater, he swept the grey strands of hair that clung to his scalp, he readied his rod with speed and ease flinging the string into the sea his fingers expertly whipping the wire to his mortal foe and best friend in this lake. The fish!! He could feel them swelling around him chasing after the bait, starting the war he wanted the battle for food then the tingle rang through his fingers and he allowed his mouth to curl into a grin, the shadowy figure under the waves,

"I'VE GOT YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!" His arms renching back as he screamed I got eh air the fish rose into the air it's shined eyes staring into his as he stared back.

And then the tides exploded. Formless shadows curled around him, blackness swelling in the water rivalling that of a super tanker, the dark inhabitants of the sparkling water shifting and twisting like the cheesy poster for a high school magic show, the fisherman could only look under his rickety wooden boat, the rod slipping from his fingers and being ripped into the sea. Only a single message remained.

'Welcome to the apocalypse
Task #1 - "placement task"
Objective(s) - kill a monster from the other world,
Rewards - depending on how you kill it and how strong the enemy is you will be granted a name.
Penalties - None'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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