Rules and Juding Criteria

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Here's the areas that are being judged (please don't feel put-off, as we take everything into account)!

·❥· Punctuation and spelling
·❥· Cover and description
·❥· Plot/concept
·❥· Originality
·❥· Structure and grammar

Each aspect will be rated out of 20, so the total will be /100 !

!! Rules !!

→ You must permanently follow our accounts, including this one ( ) because the awards will be hosted by us annually!

→ Add the tag 'tsundokuawards2022' to your story (so we don't end up missing any of the accepted stories)

→ Add this book to your library for updates

→ Your fanfic must have at least 1 chapter (playlists don't count). If your fanfic only has 1 chapter, then it must have a minimum of 500 words

→ You can enter more than one fanfic

→ And you cannot enter a book that has already won an award (this is to give other writers a chance!)

TSUNDOKU AWARDS 2022 | ENDED ✓Where stories live. Discover now