Ch. 11 [The Wrath Of Madara: Part 1]

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In the Conference room of U.A. was The Group of Heroes all have an Grim expression on their faces because last night, Every world country leader had been murdered by an blurr figure.

"Let me say this.... This is fucked Up..." Curses Present Mic as Midnight slaps his head which got an 'Ouch!' in response.

Aizawa sighs while Hound Dog growled "GGGRRRRRRR!!!"

"For One thing, We ain't dealing with an Normal Villain.... The second thing is... This guy is like water slipping through the world's grasp... Governments of the world had been looking for this assassin's or it's employers... While Chaos is popping up everywhere..." Vlad grimly stated as Number 13 shakes their head at this.

"The Thing Is, In Theory, These are connected to the events here in Japan as well... Since we know the most vigilantes Shinboi's activities have been rising even higher... The Japan's Higher Up Officials are starting to support the Shinbois for keeping the crime late below even All Might Rates...." Number 13 says as Everyone slowly turns to the Number One Hero in Question.

Toshinori Or Rather All Might was actually embarrassed by this as well. Since This is basically  Shinobis being like him but only more in numbers as well.

"Ahem! Yes! These Shinboi had been doing a great service Of Japan! Hahaha! But The Head Of Them is Still Unknown, Now we can't exactly Connected recently-"

"Then What Else are We supposed to do? All Might..." Glares Endeavor while Hawks just roll his eyes at this mess of a drama.

"Now Now, We can't be fighting among ourselves-" Nezu says Until The T.V. Suddenly turns on.

"Huh? Who the heck turn on the TV?" Questioned Present Mic as A Figure came into the TV View. For It was an Long Raven haired Man with Red Armor as well.

[TV. Madara: People Of This World . . . You all wonder on who cause this? Or why.... Well It time I let you know.... I am The Ghost Of The Uchiha... Madara Uchiha..... "-] The Heroes suddenly glared at the TV. While Hawks slowly sits up straight as Aizawa whispers to his fellow heroes. "What is his motive?...."

"I don't know but We may get our answers from this...." Present mic whispers back to Aizawa.

[-"as You Know, Quirks have Been the Dominance of This world for many generations . . . While The 'Quirkless' were left to Be Beaten like Dogs and Animals by Their Fellow Members of Society...."- Madara sneers -"But I came here to put an end of that... An End Of Heroes... An End Of Villans... And an End Of This Doom Era.... I Herby declare War On the World... The Next We Meet in person... All Might and The Heroes Of the World will be at the Battlefield...."-] The TV Turns Off as This left the Audience in the Conference room stunned at this declaration of war.

"D-did he say what I thought he said?..." Fearfully asked Present Mic as Endeavor Narrow His eyes at This while The Others were muttering amomg themselves in shock as well.

"War is already here...." commented Nezu with an tired expression as Aizawa thinks of His Problem Children.

Across Of Japan- No! More like the World, everyone was panicking as Most Countries started to prepare for War along with their heroes as well.

Many Populated cities were Beginning to evacuate while At a Certain Bar, Tomura Shiragaki was growling at the TV. While Kurogiri was starting to worry about this development.

All for one had an frown on his scarred face before turning to the doctor on his side. "I think... Things just got complicated..." Commented the Ancient Villan as The doctor nodded in agreement as well.

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