The Bride

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"Well" Miss Minutes said, thinking out loud, "If you don't want power or a throne, maybe we could just give you back your bride?"

Loki's heart clenched and his breath was taken away at those words. A bride? Impossible. No one was foolish enough to marry him. Unless they were tricked into it, of course...

"Idiot! I thought you told me there was no one", Sylvie hissed in his direction.

"I swear! I'm not married!", Loki claimed, holding his hands up in surrender.

Miss Minutes started laughing at their clueless exchange. Oh, she might get them this time. This was too good!

"Not in this timeline, that is", she clarified, "But in the first one? The one before He who Remains took control? You had a wife. An adorable, foolishly in love with you, stupidly, blindly loyal to you, little wife. Sigyn, her name was."

Both Lokis stopped their bickering. Sigyn? They had never heard that name, and yet, why did it sound so familiar?

"She had no place in the Sacred timeline, so He removed her. Couldn't have you happily married, if you're supposed to be angry and bitter and inspiring others to become heroes, am I right, y'all? "

Then, under their eyes, an image formed. It was hazy at first, but then, a woman appeared. She had a nice round face, one of those that made you smile whenever you saw it. Her eyes were shiny and blue, sparkling with wit and intelligence. Her smile was... the Sun. Bright and so full of light. Both Lokis felt their lonely hearts warm up at the sight. Loki's hand tried to reach for a cheek, but the orange demon made her disappear before he could.

"Hey! Bring her back!", Sylvie said, obviously as moved as he was.

"D'you want your girl back, missy? Missing her kisses already?", she laughed mockingly. "Well, y'all could. If you're nice."

"Where did you send her?", Loki asked, anger rising in his chest. If Sigyn was truly his, she belonged by his side and nowhere else.

"Ah, didn't do anythin'! The boss did! You see, He couldn't erase her completely. Her fate was to be married to a Child of Odin, one with conquest in their unruly heart. One with long black hair and wearing a lot of black. Also green."

Miss Minutes smiled darkly as she saw Loki's face changing colour. Shock, terror, disgust. He obviously understood where they had sent his precious wife.

"Hela. You gave her to Hela, you monsters!", he roared, now furious.

"Hela?", Sylvie asked, "Who's Hela?"

Loki tried to compose himself, while answering to Sylvie. He felt sick and enraged. He had never met Sigyn in this lifetime, that much was true. And yet, he felt so protective of her suddenly. Most of all, as he remembered watching his sister and the events of Ragnarok.

"Odin had a daughter, before Thor. Before he even married mother. Her name was Hela; she was crazy, demented, truly. Father put her to sleep, but after his death, she rose, and killed everyone who crossed her. How could you give my wife to such a heartless murderer?"

Miss Minutes shrugged. "Well, He thought that if she survived being married to you, she could survive anyone. You know, it wasn't all bad. Hela was supposed to be blonde and wear a lot of red at first. He thought that if she looked like you, things would be easier for Siggy dear and she would fall in love with her. And He made her a Valkyrie! That's something!"

Sylvie smiled to herself. Ah yes. Of course. If the woman she loved had to be something, she would be a Valkyrie. Maybe it was the reason why she felt so attracted to those powerful warriors? Why she had wanted to join them as a child? Because, unconsciously, she knew Sigyn was one of them, and she wanted to be with her?

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