Interlude III Lord of the flies

Start from the beginning

The guard saw the skies and the shining stars above as he began to fall rapidly to the streets below, but something grabbed his hands and he was lifted again into the skies above and back into the roof.

''Now think your words carefully, rest assured that the Nishiyama will not simply forgive any more offense, the brothers still have our blood in their veins, as they shared a cup with Mr.Nishiyama, to kill them was an insult ot them.'' Andou closed his fan and looked with uninterest at Vic in just an instant the manager had jumped after his subordinate and returned unrecognizably.

''I meant no offense, Please forgive me, but it is again our code of honor, to provide inaccurate information, we have nothing concrete to offer, please remember that we are a business with pride in what we offer, if you wish us to investigate do make a contract and share as well, Nishiyama and Louise have good faith in each other, it will be a poor show if we tarnish that with a fight here...none of us will win if anyone ends up dead.'' Vic's body had shifted, a pair of black long wings raised from his back, they were the wings of a black crow and his head had changed as well, it was surrounded by a black cloak of fog hiding the solid form of the head of a goat, his hands as well had turned into claws. He had lifted back his subordinate lifting him over with a single hand and left him to fall back into the roof. The demon goat arranged his tie as he remained on his knee. Staring back at Andou with glowing red eyes, between his horns a crown of fire manifested almost floating like a mirage.

''Baphomet, this is the first time I have seen you in your true form, but is hardly impressive for me, those wings could never take you as high as I stand.''Andou stated as he opened his fan.

''I don't intend to, I beseech you as a representative of Mr.Louise. Emperor of the Tengu return wto Mr.Nishiyama and tells him we will find the truth of this night and sell it for the proper price as we have always done. Let us leave here with no fight or violence, this small town has seen enough.'' Though Vic Ocassio spoke with sincerity he never lowered his guard, his claw sharp and firm as the flaming crown above him stirred.

''I suppose since you have shown proper manners, I will permit you to live. I hope Mr.Louise and you know what it will mean to betray our trust. I will leave this call to Mr.Nishiyama you get to keep your silver tongue for now you peasant goat'' The man with the green mask opened his fan and jumped with a ghost of wind that made the windows close by vibrate. He landed on the rooftop of the next building and looked back with contempt.

''As long as you remember your place our relationship will remain do not waste my pity, return to your master and remind him of his duties.'' With another gust of wind, Andou disappeared and the demonic goat slowly grabbed his hat with two of his fingers and then waited as the masked man banished into the sky.

''Oh dear, they must know more than what we knew, the Nishiyama knows of our friends....'' The black fog twisted and slowly his goat head turned to mist and back to that of a human as he placed his hat back on his head, his hands returned to their usual dark skin rather than that strange miasma that had surrounded his palms.

''Well, then gentleman let's report to Mr. Louise.''

Vic Ocassio had moved to a nearby alley close to a restaurant. He received a message that said that this would be the meeting place, He had talked to Louise plenty of times, but never in person, he knew not where or when, but if there was something he had learned in his many years working on the newspaper company is that Mr.Louse even if you cannot see him, he can always see you. The other two men were already eating something from a local restaurant. They had quite a shock but were already back on their feet, this was not that unusual to them.

Vic remained on his own corner seeing them joke with each other, he smiled gently feeling good that they were finally out of the frying pan. He looked around seeing people walking on the streets outside of the alley, till one of them suddenly stopped as if frozen in place a woman stopped in the middle of the street and turned in her heels towards him. Her walking was strange she moved as if her legs were broken, her head was twisting unnaturally as well, and she moved her hand through the alley wall as if completely blind.

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