Chapter 87: Nothing But Boxes

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~Daryl's P.O.V~

I grabbed a nearby gun and walked out the door with Ariel close behind me. As soon as I took that first step out, the chaos began. I saw people going down left and right. People started shooting our way and I pushed Ariel down and we hid behind a piece of wood. The people started to get closer and closer. I held my gun close and made sure Ariel stayed down.

When they finally got to me, I shot them in the leg then stabbed them in their head. Ariel shot the other guy in the eye. We got up and ran to Carl and Ellie.

"Who are these guys?" Ellie asked.

"No idea." I said back while shooting some guy.

"Behind you!" I heard someone scream from a good distance away. It sounded like Maggie.

Ariel turned around and Carl pulled her down. A bullet flew right over her head. Ellie looked at the man and shot him in the shoulder. I went over there and stomped his head into the road then ran back.

After a good while, almost everyone was dead. I had found Beth and we walked together and tried to find some other people. We walked by a few houses. Someone ran out of the house and grabbed Beth. He had one arm around her throat and the other around her waist. She clawed at his arms and tried to kick his legs. I ran forward and pulled him off.

She gasped for air and I kicked the man in the rib cage. He held his side in pain. I brought him into an empty shed on the far end of the safe zone. I told Beth to find Rick and stick with him. I tied the man to a chair and found a nearby pipe.

"Who are you guys?" I asked him calmly.

"I ain't telling you nothin'." The guy spat.

I hit him across the face with my pipe. "You wanna rethink that?" I asked him. He shook his head and I hit him again. I slowly slid my knife out and twirled it around. "I'll give you one last chance. Who are you guys?" I told him.

He didn't say anything. I angrily walked towards him and he started to freak out. "Okay, okay, okay! We call ourselves The Wolves."

"Where are you guys hidin'?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that. They'll kill me!"

"Tell me or I'll kill you." I threatened. The guys eyes widened.

I waited for a few seconds. "I don't have time for this." I hit him across the face with my pipe again. He spit out some blood. "Where are you guys hiding?" I yelled a little louder.

He didn't answer so I hit him again. "Tell me!" I screamed.

"I'll kill you before I tell you anything."

"You come here, you attack my people, my own sister and my girl, and you have the nerve to threaten me?"

I threw the pipe to the side and hit him with my fists. He spit blood in my face and I punched him harder. I groaned and slipped my knife out. I forced it into his leg and he cried out in pain. "Fine, I'll tell you!" He screamed.

"We're at an old warehouse a few minutes from here. You can't miss it. It's directly on the side of the road. That's all, I swear!" He pleaded with me.

I walked towards him with my knife in my hand. I brought it back and he flinched. "I told you that's all!" He said.

"I know."

I shoved it into his head and killed him. I disposed of his body and cleaned my hands and face. I went to Rick and told him everything I got out of the guy.

"I say we pay them a little visit." Rick suggested.

"I'll round up a crew. I say we bring you, Glenn, Rosita, Ellie, Michonne, and Maggie. They're some of our best shots. I know you wouldn't approve of Beth or Ariel coming so they can stay. We can stay in contact with them through a radio. Go gather everyone. Tell them to be ready. I'll get the van."

We headed our separate ways. I found everyone and told them to gear up. We put some riot gear on Ellie and gave her a good gun she could handle along with a hunting knife. She brought her bow and arrow just in case. Rick pulled around the corner with the van and everyone piled in. I jogged over to Ariel and handed her a radio.

"Here. I'm keeping the second one. We'll come back safe." I ensured.

She gave me a hug and I gave her one back then jogged back to the van and we left.

~Ariel's P.O.V~

"We just got to the warehouse." Daryl told me over the walkie talkie.

"You guys be safe, okay? We don't need anymore accidents."

"We'll be fine, don't worry." He told me.

I sat on the bed with Beth in the chair next to me, along with the entire group circled around the bedroom. Everyone was focused on the walkie talkie. I kept it very close and made sure nothing happened to it.

"There is almost nothing in this place." He told me.

"Do you think that guy just told you that?"

"Nah, he was telling the truth. I could tell..." He trailed off.

Daryl didn't say anything for a little bit. Occasionally, he'd say something about how empty the warehouse was, but he mostly just stayed quiet. I could see why, you never know what might be lurking in the shadows.

"I don't see anything here other than old boxes." He said.

"WHOA!" I heard Ellie scream.

Everyone's heads poked up and looked at the walkie.

"Ambush!!" Maggie yelled.

I heard a lot of shuffling feet and gunshots. I looked around the room and noticed everyone's concerned facial expression. Beth had the the most concerned, along with Carl. Nobody moved.

"What's going on over there?" I asked Daryl.

He didn't answer for a little bit which caused me to worry. "Are you guys okay?"

"Ariel don't worry about us, we'll be fi-"

"DARYL, TURN AROUND!" I heard Rosita scream. I heard Daryl groan and then everything grew silent. The walkie didn't make another sound.



I figured you guys deserved one last chapter before I stop for a week.

How did you guys like it? I thought it was good, but I can't speak for everyone.

By the way, I will try to get a chapter up on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, but when Monday and Tuesday come, I won't be able to update because the finals will still be going on at that point. They end all together on Wednesday.

Thanks for all your support and thanks for understanding! Goodnight, everyone! I love all my followers.

Make sure you give this chapter a star and a nice comment. The comments really make my day!!

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