𝟏𝟐 || 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭

Comenzar desde el principio

"oh? this isn't mine. was it in your ca-" you interrupted yourself by gasping loudly. "did you have another woman in your car as soon as i left?! how mischievious! i never took you for that kind of guy..." you yelled, your lower and upper lips still having a gap in between them.

his cheeks reddened in the span of 0.5 seconds. "no! you've got it all wrong, i found this on the stairs when i was going back to my car."

you burst out laughing. "i know Dawn, i'm just teasing you."

his face was now completely lit up. "well it's not funny."

"anyway, what made you think this was mine?" you asked.

"it matches the outfit you were wearing so i assumed it was yours." he looked at the bracelet in his hands.

'he payed attention to my outfit...?'

"i should probably find the owner of the bracelet." you closed your eyes and sighed. you gently took the bracelet from his hands, wich he didn't oppose to. "alright, thanks a lot Dawn. i'll take this back to it's owner now, have a good weekend!"

Dawn held your hand. "i'm coming with you."

you stared at him blankly.

"if you don't mind of course." he still held your hand, but loosely.

"alright, follow me."

he followed you. his hand still wrapping yours. you had no idea as to wether he was doing it on purpose or if he just didn't realize. knowing him, it was probably the latter.

so, just for fun of course, and not because you possibly have feelings for him, you decided to not point it out to see how long he'd keep it up.

he was on his phone wich seemed like a good distraction. with that in mind, you held his hand aswell and now, the two of you were walking hand-in-hand.

he flinched at the sudden touch and blushed. you pretended like you weren't aware of that and continued walking. and, to your surprise,

he didn't say anything and kept walking.

in fact, you weren't sure if it was just your imagination but, you felt his hand wrap yours a little bit tighter.

feeling your breathing intensifying and your heart beating faster, you wiggle your hand out of his.

'i can't let myself have a crush on someone so out of my league.'

he lets go of your hand quickly. "i'm... sorry. that made you uncomfortable didn't it...?" he looked away embarassed and ashamed.

"not at all! if i was uncomfortable i wouldn't have grabbed your hand anyways..." you blurted out.

he quickly turned around to look at you. his face was tinted pink again and his eyes were wide open.

"i-i mean! my hands get sweaty really easily... i didn't want to..." you looked away.

he huffed while ever-so-slightly smiling and closed his eyes. "alright then,"

"let's hurry up before the bracelet owner leaves or something." you grabbed his sleeve and started running.

"wait." he stopped abruptly making you almost fall.

"what is it?"

"do you..."


"nevermind. let's go."

'is he serious?!'

you stood infront of him, your arms folded against your chest. "hold on, i'm gonna need you to talk."

𝖡𝖺𝖼𝗄 𝖳𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎 • 𝖣𝗂𝗅𝗎𝖼 𝗑 F!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora