As I listened to his voice my fear started to fade. He was my rock even before when I thought I hated him. There's a fine line between love and hate. He could talk me into anything, he could give me one simple look and I was gone. He was my safe haven, which was why I called him before anyone else.

I thought about his lips, for a moment I felt his breath against mine. I smiled, remembering our last kiss before he went off to help his sister with her new baby. I didn't resent him or her, I just remembered our kiss, his hands on my waist, my lips moving with his. God I loved him, I loved that he belonged to me.

I smiled, thinking about the future that wouldn't come to pass. Bellamy sighed, "love you," I whispered one last time.

I closed my eyes, feeling the fight leaving me. I pressed my hand against my chest, the blood getting darker. I coughed, blood coming up my throat, "Clarke are you in the alley? Clarke what happened. I swear to god if you're hurt I will come home right now. Clarke."

I couldn't answer him. The phone fell from my hand onto the ground beside me and I passed out from the pain.



The lights were blinding as I raced towards the hospital. I called 911 the moment Clarke stopped talking. I could hear the sirens, I could hear the voices. I knew she was in that damn alley taking the shortcut back home to our apartment. I told her it wasn't safe, but she never listened to me. I banged my hand against the wheel of the car as I raced towards her. I shouldn't have stayed on the phone with her. I should've realized something was wrong. She had been acting differently, holding a normal conversation as if it would be our last.

I wouldn't lose her. I wouldn't let her die on me, not when I wasn't there to try and save her. She was my life, she was my world. Nothing else made sense if she wasn't there beside me. I tried to fight off the tears, but it was hard. I swallowed the lump in my throat, throwing my door open the moment I pulled to a stop outside the ER.

I ran into the lobby, the nurses looking up at my frazzled state, "my fiancee, Clarke Griffin. She was brought here, please tell me where she is. Please tell me she's going to be okay."

The nurse looked down at her paperwork. She sighed, "she's been taken into surgery. She's lost a lot of blood," I nodded, knowing that was a bad sign. I took in a deep breath, fighting off the urge to scream at this woman. I just wanted to know how she was, "the doctor will be out as soon as he knows anything."

I walked towards the chairs, my heart dropping as I looked around me. I had spent too long with Octavia. I should've made Clarke skip class and come with me. There were so many things I should've done, sitting there waiting to hear if she was still alive made me realize how foolish I had been. It had taken us too long to admit our feelings. Now I was so close to losing her before I got the chance to have her.

"Monty," I grabbed his arm when he came walking through the lobby. He was a nurse here, "Clarke got hurt. Do you know where she is?"

He sighed, "I was there when they brought her in. She lost a lot of blood, Bell. I know they were working on getting an IV in her. She's lucky her veins hadn't collapsed yet. Right now the doctor's with her."

I wiped away a tear as I stood there staring at this man, "so she's going to be okay?"

He shook his head, "I honestly don't know. They pushed me out of the room when I said she as my friend. They didn't want my emotions clouding my judgement. I'm in the dark same as you."

I fell back down onto the seat, my heart racing. I thought about the moment I fell in love with her, when she slapped me across the face for a smart comment I made about her dress. That was the same moment I grabbed her wrist from slapping me a second time and pressed my mouth to hers. Our first kiss.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now