When bad boys target good girls

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Jessie's P.O.V.

I walked through the library and finally spotted them again. The couple making out. One of them was some poor, blonde, bimbo who didn't know what she was getting herself into, the other was the bad-ass, womanizer Cameron Stevenson. 

I was supposed to close up the library a half hour ago, but I didn't want to interrupt them so I left them alone hoping they would finish up soon. 

But I had to make supper still, and fast food would not be my meal tonight. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

I tried to hold my head up as I walked towards them. You could hear the girl's moaning from five aisles away.  

I cleared my throat loudly hoping they would hear me, but they didn't. So I walked right up to them and tapped Cameron's shoulder. He pulled away from Blondie to look at me.  

"What?!" he snarled. I cocked an eyebrow at his rudeness, "The library closed an hour ago. You two need to leave." Then I added as an afterthought, "If you didn't find what you needed then you can come back tomorrow morning. The books about STDs are in aisle A18." I began to walk away and I said over my shoulder, not even looking at them, "Though you two will probably find out a lot more about that tonight at your place." 

I heard the girl gasp behind me. I walked up to the front desk and started to pack my bag. I put the rest of my homework away, then went to the backroom to checkout. 

I didn't hear the sound of the couple anymore so I assumed they left. 

I pulled on my jacket and walked to the front. I switched off the lights and was about to grab the door handle when a hand grabbed my arm. I was spun around and came face to face with Cameron Stevenson in the flesh. 

I glared up at him. "What do you want?" 

He smiled and looked me over, "I don't believe we have met before." I scowled and said, "I would prefer to keep it that way."  

He smirked and asked, "What school do you go to? You must go to South because I know every girl at North." 

I sneered at him and said, "Trust me, you haven't fucked every girl at North." He raised an eyebrow and said, "So the good girl swears."  

"Only when trying to get rid of annoying ass holes," I spat and threw his arm off. I opened the door and walked out of the library. He followed after me and watched as I locked the door. Then, without so much as a glance at him, I climbed into my car and drove away.

New Story! Probably won't get far like all my other one's but it's worth a go.......

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