Reservoir Devils

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"Go to hell, you crazy woman!" Brendan spat. He won't go down that easily. Courtney sighed like she'd been expecting that. She walked in front of Brendan, then punched him in the nose, causing it to bleed. Brendan yelped in pain. Courtney shook her finger. " Tsk tsk! You know, this isn't some movie. You don't give me anything, I won't just give up and leave you alone. Doubt your friend is coming to save you either. So, tell me! How are you able to intercept us at seemingly perfect times!"

Brendan shook his head. "I don't know, just call it luck! Maybe if you guys are smart you'd perform operations in secret instead of broadcasting it to the world for everyone to see!"

Courtney just shook her head. "Wait a minute here hon, I'll retrieve something from my car. Let's call it... truth serum."

Courtney left the room. It was then did Brendan start to panic. What's going to happen to him? How will he get out of this mess? Sure he's been in all sorts of dangerous situations before, but they were all with his Pokemon, friends, and allies by his side to help him! This time, he's alone. And from what he could tell, all his Pokemon had been taken away. What will happen to them? Will they be sold off to the black market? Or be forced to do Team Magma's biddings? All those questions ran in his head, until suddenly Courtney returned. This time, carrying a jerry can.

She walked towards Brendan and started pouring liquid from the can onto the ground around him. At first, he was confused. Suddenly, the smell hit his nose. A metallic, chemical, even slightly sweet smell that went deep into his nose. Brendan's eyes widened in horror. That isn't just plain old water or anything, that is gasoline! Courtney started splashing Brendan with the highly flammable liquid, soaking his pants, shirt, arms, and then pouring some onto his face and head, causing Brendan to gag and cough, as he tried to keep his eyes and mouth closed. Some liquid seeped into the wound on his cheek, making the wound go from painful to excruciating. Courtney then poured a ring around the chair, and a trail a few meters away. Seeing that the can is empty, Courtney threw it violently, causing the metal container to clang loudly against the walls and floor of the warehouse. Brendan opened his eyes again, and saw her flicking a lighter. She's going to set him on fire!

"Last chance." Courtney said, any hint of silliness gone. "Tell me what you want, or I will fry you until your skin crackles like fried chicken!"

"W-wait please!" Brendan cried, genuinely terrified "I-I'm serious! I really think I got in you guys' way out of luck! Now and then someone nearby would just tell me what you guys are up to and I would go stop it! If they didn't tell me I wouldn't have known!"

"Lies." Courtney said, as a flame flickered to life.

Brendan shook his head desperately "No I'm telling you the tru-truth! One time it was Team Aqua, then there was this random scientist some other time! And then there was just dumb luck or whatever that I bumped into you guys!"

"Really?" Courtney said, kneeling down and bringing the lighting dangerously close to the gas trail.

"Y-yes! Please!" Brendan pleaded, now tears coming out of his eyes. "I swear it was some dumb luck! I'm not working with Champion Steven, or anyone! I have no association with the police either!"

Suddenly, a ringing musical tone rang, causing Courtney to look up. It came from one of Brendan's pockets. Courtney flicked the lighter off and stuffed it in her pocket, before walking towards Brendan and reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out his phone, which was buzzing. Brendan saw the number and contact on the screen. May! Of all the times for her to call him, it had to be now?!

Courtney looked at the contact. "Who's this?"

"My fr-friend..." Brendan answered. He's shaken, but glad he's not on fire for the moment. "She and I are rivals."

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