Chapter Two: The Dinner Party

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As the dinner party grew nearer and nearer, Harry grew more and more nervous about sharing the news with everybody. What would Ron think? She is his sister after all.

"Hon, can you set the table? You're so much better at it than I am." Ginny asked Harry.

"Yeah, sure." And with a flick of his wand, Harry had conjured a silk tablecloth with plates and utensils out of thin air.

When Ginny went upstairs to get ready, as Harry had already done so, he made the final touches to the table setup. After a few minutes, his soon to be wife came down the stairs wearing a gorgeous red dress that was tight fit until around the waist, and then flowed out under.

"Wow. You look beautiful, Gin." Harry said.

"Thanks, you don't look to shabby yourself." She said with a small smile.



Harry and Ginny ran over to the fireplace to greet the Weasleys.

"Hi Harry!" Said Ron with his girlfriend, and Harry's other best friend Hermione Granger, in his arms.

"Hey Ron." Harry said, trying not to give away how nervous he was.

"Harrryy!" He heard George call from the fireplace. He was standing next to his wife Angelina, and she was holding their first born child, Fred II.

"Hey George!" He said, and walked over to hug him since he had not seen him in so long.

After the brief meet and greet, everyone sat down at the table, mouths watering at the delicious meals that Mrs. Weasley had prepared for them. Before long, they were all devouring the food in from of them.

Soon the food was gone and it was time for desert. But before doing so, he and Ginny would have to make an announcement. Ginny stood. Harry was thankful for her saving him the trouble of doing so.

"Eh Em, Me and Harry have an announcement to make.' Ginny held up her left hand, 'We're getting married!" She exclaimed.

Applause and cheers spread around the room. Harry felt a pat on the back and turned to see Ron, who nodded with approval.

Desert turned out to be more tasty than expected, they had Ginny's own fantastic treacle tarts. After they were done, everyone sat down to chat in the sitting room.

"Tonight was a good night." Harry thought.

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