Chapter 5 - Code and Creed

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The liquid was thick and the smell reminded Melora of the awful taste of the food rations she used to get while being a slave for the Empire. The food options on Arvala-7 weren't very appetizing, but it contained all the sustenance a person needed to get through their day. Melora had never developed a very refined palette anyway, so the smell and texture of the blurrg stew didn't bother her.

As Kuiil was returned from guiding the bounty hunter, he entered the house collecting some equipment he needed as he was about to continue working on the farm.

"How did it go?" Melora asked as she glanced over at him, still mostly focused on the stew.

"The Mandalorian is doing his part of the deal" She nodded in response while he continued to collect his stuff.

As she was listening to Kuiil moving stuff around in the background, she continued to stir the spoon around the cooking pot and as the minutes passed, questions started to arise in her head.

"Why do you have so much faith in this guy?" She turned around to look at him. "I haven't seen you this hopeful about a bounty hunter before"

"He's a Mandalorian" Kuiil answered plainly, glanzing up at her. She raised an eyebrow at him in question, not really grasping what that meant.

"You have never heard about the Mandalorians before" He stated.

"Not really, only in passing" She shrugged. "All I know is that they use beskar to forge their armor and weapons" Kuiil looked at the confused woman while he nodded slowly. He took a few moments, trying to figure out where he should start.

"The Mandalorians are legendary warriors," Kuiil began. "known for being skilled in combat as well as their dedication to their code and creed, making them one of the best mercenaries and bounty hunters in the galaxy" She listened to him intently and nodded her head in understanding.

"So," He looked down to the ground shortly, before looking back at Melora. "If this Mandalorian can not collect this bounty, then I fear no one will."
With that, Kuiil began making his way outside, leaving the clueless woman alone to her thoughts.

She wondered if all that Kuiil said was true, and if it actually applied to the man that they met. They really didn't know if this bounty hunter truly was a Mandalorian, or if he had just gotten lucky and found some of their armor. To Melora, it all seemed too good to be true, she didn't like getting her hopes up.
Life hadn't given her the luxurie of wishful thinking, so she opted to think realistically, often trying to brace and prepare herself for the worst. But she also wasn't one to rain on someone else's parade, so she decided not to voice her skepticism to the Ughnaught, and instead kept preparing their dinner deep in thought.

By the time the food was done, the sun had already set, and she made her way outside to tell Kuiil to come and eat. It was dark as Melora made her way outside, she squinted her eyes as she shifted her gaze out over the farm, trying to locate him. She heard him before she saw him, and turned her head towards the sound which came from atop one of the vaporators.

"I thought you were dead" Kuiil said, working on some wires.

"What?" Melora said confused, looking in his direction. Just as she was about to ask what he meant, footsteps were heard coming from the right of them. The woman turned her head, flinching slightly as she saw the Mandalorian standing there. He looked at her before turning his gaze up towards Kuiil who was making his way down from the vaporator.

Oh, he wasn't talking to me.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard some noises coming from the ground. It was hard to see, but she saw what looked like a small light green creature, barely reaching half way up to her knees, with long pointy ears sticking out from the side of its head. It was waddling after a frog, trying to catch it. Melora crouched down next to it, trying to get a better look.

"This is what was causing all the fuss?" Kuill said, motioning to the little one while standing next to Melora, also looking at the little creature.

How could this cute little thing be so valuable? Maybe its family is looking for it? Was it kidnapped? She furrowed her brows in thought.

"I think it's a child" The mandalorian tiredly said as he was fixing one of his vambraces that broke during his mission. Melora paid him little attention as she looked at the small child next to her as it made some small whimpering sounds. It looked up at her with big dark, almost black, eyes as it pointed towards the frog, asking the woman to help it catch it.

"It is better to deliver it alive then" Kuiil concluded as he walked over to one of their crafting stations.

"Was it its family that hired you to collect it?" Melora asked the Mandalorian as she looked at him from next to the creature.

"I don't ask questions, it's part of the code" He answered plainly. She furrowed her brows again, remembering what Kuiil told her about Mandalorians and their dedication to their code. It didn't really sit right with her though, not knowing the fate of this cute, innocent little creature.

"My ship has been destroyed," The Madalorian stated. "I'm trapped here."

"Jawas?" She asked standing up again. He looked up from his broken vambrace over to the woman and nodded in confirmation.

"Stripped. Not destroyed," said Kuiil. "The Jawas steal. They don't destroy '' He walked over to the Madnalorian giving him a tool to better help him fix his vambrace. Melora didn't really agree with Kuiils philosophy on the matter, she thought they did both.

"Stolen or destroyed, makes no difference to me" The Mandalorian responded, sounding irritated. He looked over towards his bounty, making sure it was still there. The green creature was still on its mission, chasing the frog that had now tried to hide behind Meloras legs in an attempt to escape its new predator.

"They're protected by their crawling fortress" He looked back to his vambrace, trying to fix it. "There's no way to recover the parts" The man was tired and annoyed. He knew this mission wasn't going to be easy, but having his ship destroyed by some Jawas was really pissing him off.

Melora looked down towards her legs, spectating the child's attempts at catching the frog. It tried to force its way in between her legs to reach the amphibian, which she aided its efforts in by separating her legs, making room for the child to get by. A small smile made its way onto her lips as she watched the little things quest for the frog, barely listening to the two men's conversation.

"You can trade" Kuiil said.

"With Jawas?" The Mandalorian question. "Are you out of your mind?" He exclaimed, as if Kuiil had just asked him to kiss a blurrg.

"I will take you to them," Kuiil responded, ignoring the Mandaloians' concerns. "I have spoken" And with that, the conversation was over. The little creature had now finally caught the frog after a small chase around Meloras feet and was now shoving the frog down its throat,

Everyone's gotta eat. The woman thought as she grimaced looking at the scene.

"Hey!" The Mandalorian shouted to the hungry child. "Spit that out"
It didn't listen, and just kept gulping down the frog until it was gone. It looked up at the other three, laughing and burping, and Melora couldn't help but let out a giggle and smile, watching the curious little thing. 


Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

If you did, you can press the star, it makes me feel like Grogu while eating frogs

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