Chapter Five: Edward

Bắt đầu từ đầu

If you had asked Louis Tomlinson as a teenager if he would have ever voluntarily entered into such an, ahem, "transactional" relationship with a man literally twice his age, he would have gagged at the thought. But things had become quite different since then - and he was nothing if not grateful to be so loved.

The air being spun by the fans was starting to chill the sweat drying on his exposed skin, so Louis reached down to pull the sheets atop him, content to watch a bit of television before falling asleep. The black tungsten band on his hand didn't boast diamonds, but crushed blue and green chunks of an actual meteorite, giving it a dark and whimsical look.

Next to him, Edward's iPhone - the newest model, of course - began to ring

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Next to him, Edward's iPhone - the newest model, of course - began to ring.

"Babe!" His fiancé turned, still nude on the balcony, towards Louis' voice. "Your phone is ringing."

"What on Earth?" His eyebrow ticked upwards as he looked at his screen. "It's got to be past three in London," he reached out, taking his phone from Louis' hand.

"I'm sure everything is fine."

"Hello?" He answered before returning to the balcony, shutting the door behind himself. Their conversation was short, Edward returning in less than a few minutes to sit down, a soft smile upon his aging face.


"You know I said I invited my family? My ex and my kids?" Louis nodded, half-wishing they'd ordered room service. He was always famished after a shag. "Well, first she'd said none of them were coming." Edward sighed now, sitting up and Louis reached out to take his hand, massaging the worn palm with his thumb. "My son has never been my biggest fan. Especially once he found out I was getting married again... and he's close to your age so I'm sure he'll have some thoughts about that."

Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm an adult. I was twenty-one when you met me. The ball's always been in my court on these things. It's not like you're my teacher or my boss or anything weird."

"I know. I think he's still mad I left his mum. He's mad at me about a lot of things. Rightfully so, I'm afraid. I just wanted him to come and... figured maybe we can bury the hatchet."

"Ed?" Louis prompted, used to his wandering stories that went nowhere. He nodded. "What was the call about?"

"Oh. Right. Sorry. Anyways, he'll be coming to the wedding."

"Really?!" Louis' voice exuded genuine enthusiasm, ecstatic for Edward. His whole family was already along for the ride, all of his sisters gleeful for his impending wedding. Lottie was fifteen, followed by thirteen-year-old Fizzy and the ten year old twins. Together, the girls occupied a three bedroom suite on a different floor along with their travel nanny, a capable older woman Edward paid so Louis didn't have to constantly worry about them like he did at home. She'd be accompanying them to the resort, then staying with the girls for two weeks in north London while they honeymooned for two weeks in the Caribbean.

We Danced Anyway [Larry Stylinson // Travel 🖤 AU]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ