However, Kate was soon interrupted by her phone buzzing in her hand. She looked down at it, and her eyes widened just a little at the sight of the message that Yelena had sent to her.

"She's coming your way," Yelena wrote, and Kate took in a small breath, nervousness filling her, and she placed her hands on her lap, wringing them a little as she thought through what she was going to say to Natasha.

She just wanted the redhead to understand how much she meant to her and how much that Kate trusted her. She also wanted to be able to appropriately apologize for anything that she herself could have done to cause Natasha's decision about training her.

However, before she could consider her words for much longer, the door suddenly opened, and Natasha walked in quickly.

"Sweet girl, I'm here. What did you want to—"

Natasha froze, her eyes locking onto Kate's form as she stared at her blankly. It was obvious judging by the nickname that Natasha had been expecting Yelena to be inside of the room and given her concern when she first walked in, she had obviously assumed something had been wrong with Yelena.

After a short beat, the door suddenly shut behind Natasha. Natasha furrowed her brow, flinching ever so slightly as she turned back to the door. She reached over, starting to try to open it. However, to her surprise, it seemed to be locked.

Kate swallowed, knowing that this must be part of Yelena's master plan but nevertheless feeling a little nervous at being locked in with Natasha. It was not that she was scared of Natasha. It was more that she was afraid that she would upset Natasha even more and make her even more uncomfortable.

"FRIDAY, unlock the door," Natasha commanded.

"I apologize, Miss Romanoff. I am unable to do so as per Big Six Protocol," FRIDAY responded calmly in that typical manner in which she addressed everyone regardless of the situation.

"I am a member of the Big Six," Natasha replied to her, and Kate felt a pit growing in her stomach as she realized that Natasha truly really did not want to speak with her.

"That is true. However, Mr. Stark was my creator. Therefore, he has automatic jurisdiction," FRIDAY patiently replied.

"Override on grounds of improper abuse of protocol," Natasha replied, and suddenly, there was an odd noise as something that sounded like an intercom was turned on.

"Hey, Red. A certain mutual friend told me that you're having some problems with Hawkeye Junior," Tony informed her, that typical breeziness in his words. Natasha's jaw set.

"Stark, you'd better let me out. Right now," Natasha warned, her voice growing somewhat dangerous, and Kate swallowed nervously, honestly not sure what to do right now.

"No can do, poser. Not until you two fix this," Yelena's voice came through clearly, and Natasha froze.

"Yelena, ty znayesh', kak ya otnoshus' k tomu, chto menya derzhat vzaperti,"1 Natasha uttered some long line of Russian, and Kate honestly had no idea what she was saying.

"Ty ne zapert. Eto vsego lish' ya, i ya delayu eto dlya tebya,"2 Yelena spoke, so much love in the words despite the fact that Kate did not understand a single word. Natasha let out a small breath in reply, not saying anything.

"Ty takoy neschastnyy, i ya tak tebya lyublyu. Mne nevynosimo videt' tebya v takom sostoyanii,"3 Yelena told her softly, her voice gentle, and Natasha's posture loosened a little, looking almost like she was more defeated than irritated at this point.

"Okay... So I'm going to take all that mess of gibberish to mean that you guys worked it out and now you and Hawkeye Junior are going to get to it," Tony spoke up, and Natasha let out an unhappy breath as Yelena scoffed.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें