The prick arrived

Start from the beginning

There is a large fire in the middle with my big cauldron and tables in a circle around two of which have burners and smaller cauldrons. Along the back wall are shelves with rows and rows of ingredients all in vials, labelled. 

There was also a large industrial glass fridge for the vials that needed to be kept cool.

"You're very organised," he chuckled as he stepped inside. "I would like a lab like this."

"I am happy to share this one with you."

"Does that mean you are hoping I am around long enough to use it?"

"One can only hope." I replied. "Pass me that jar will you? The purple one on the second shelf over the far end.

I began to light the burner on one table and set one of the smaller brass cauldron on it. I then hummed as I made my way around the room adding small bits from various vials as I went.

"I thought you just wanted murtlap essence for the bruise. Which by the way looks pretty nasty but makes you look badass."

"Have you smelt murtlap lately? It is horrendous. I am adding some bits to make it work faster and to make it smell at least half decent.''

"It amazes me how you know what to do?" He asked sitting down to watch me work. 

"It helps that I had Snape for like 6 years helping me. He was an amazing teacher."

"He bloody loved you so he did. He once said you were the only student actually worth teaching."

I looked up at that. "Are you insane? He said I was tolerable at best. He was always trying to find fault with my work and -"

"But he never did find fault with your work did he?" Draco smirked again.

The boy was making my heart beat faster than what was healthy. "That is because I worked my ass off to be the best."

He opened his arms and swivelled gesturing to the room. "It worked."

I twirled my finger around to make the contents of the pot stir before throwing in a little lavender. "Ok I think it should be ready." I set in a vial in and scooped up the contents. 

Draco took it off me and smelt it. "Wow that actually does smell good."

I smirked as I headed back upstairs.

To complete chaos. 

Theo seemed to tip the whole shopping out into the couches and chairs in the living room. The tree was propped up against the window sill. 

"What have we just walked into?" Draco chuckled.

"Theo got a little carried away. Where do you want the tree?" Azaleah asked.

"Over in that corner? We can transfigure the armchair to...uh..."

"A lamp," Mrs Malfoy suggested.


Mrs Malfoy did exactly that and the tree was the moved into position in the corner and next to the fireplace. 

The next few hours were spent dancing around the living room to the record player and hanging little wand ornaments and lights and the snitches and house crests. I even managed to find some personalised ornaments so we had a Nott family crest, Matthews family, Malfoy family and Diggory family crest.

I hung a garland over the Mantel piece and decorated it with small lights and little golden stitches. I then hung a round Garland on the front door and stood back to admire the work that we had done.

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