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Laying low, he stood to where the lights were dim. Not wanting to catch the attention of the others. He who quietly voted, noticed the stupidity of his friends as the game master announced the results. But maybe except for one..

Just as the lights went back on, an unknown figure appeared behind him. With one swift move, covering his mouth with a tight grip and a palm landing on his left shoulder, he found himself being dragged away from the friend group. He wanted to fight back. But somehow, he was stuck in his already frozen state.


When the older released him from his hold, the younger tried to catch his breath as if he was about to fall to the floor. He glanced at the other who locked the door in this unfamiliar room.


"What the hell, Hak?!"

"Hi, Sunwoo." He had a sarcastic smile as he approached the younger.

"First of all, why did you take me in here? Don't tell me you're the killer." Sunwoo crossed his arms, carefully scanning Haknyeon's moves for him to mentally prepare to defend himself.

"You're such a good actor, y'know?" Haknyeon whispered, grabbing the younger's collar harshly, their faces too close to each other.


"I know you know who the murderer is, Sunwoo."

He gave him a glare and a smile full of bitterness. While the younger remained unfazed, even if he was quietly panicking inside.

"If you were part of the good team, you'd tell me, right?"

Sunwoo scoffed before fighting back, "And what makes you think I'd trust you? You never said that you were in the good team."

"Oh shut up." This made Haknyeon start to lose his patience, he only wanted to rip out the truth out of the younger.

"Shut me up then, babe."

That made Haknyeon snap, placing his hand underneath the younger's chin, then against his throat. Slowly blocking his ability to breathe. As much as Sunwoo wanted to tease his boyfriend some more, he didn't want to die just yet.


"C'mon, Sunwoo."

"Fine then. I trust you." And so. Sunwoo whispered the killer's name to Haknyeon who seemed quite surprised.


"Allies?" Sunwoo asked, taking his hand out for the older to seal the deal.

He had a stoic expression before reaching out to grab the younger's hand. Shaking it lightly while Sunwoo was too blind to notice Haknyeon's other hand behind his back with his fingers crossed.

³𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐳.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora