Ch. 4

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"Here is our ride!" The guy moves over so I could see the most expensive looking car I have ever seen.

I'm not really a car person so I don't exactly know what it is but it's beautiful.

Rich people.

"Get in!" He happily cheers.

Rolling my eyes I do as he says. Not against my will of course.

"Well now that you have basically black mailed me to going with you. I should at least get to know your name."

"Well, it's Charlie Mendi." He simply says.

He narrows his eyes as if waiting for a reaction.

I just stare at him blankly.

"Mk. I'm Cindy." I shrug and lean back into my chair.

Mendi looks at me surprised.

"What? You've never heard of the name Cindy?" I ask scoffing.

"No I have, it's just. You know what never mind." He does this weird thing where he approvingly nods at I don't know what.

"So where are we heading Mendi?"

I repeat his name over and over again in my head. Why do I have a feeling I've heard this name before?

"I honestly don't even know." He shrugs.

"What?! You're telling me you basically just took me and now you're driving me to who knows where?!" I holler at him having a small panic attack in the corner of his car.

"Yes." He simply replies.

"Oh god you make me sick."

I get a text from Gus.

Cindy do you need me to call the cops?


Where are you? It's already lunch and people are asking me about you.

I'm being kidnapped! Send help immediately! D:

Quit overreacting.


Where did THE Charlie Mendi take you?

That's where I heard his name before!

I'm an idiot.

I decide not to reply because I don't even know where he's taking me.

"Are you done freaking out in the corner yet?" Mendi raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well I wouldn't be freaking out if you had just given me my shoe and left me alone!" I slap him in the arm each word as groan in frustration.

"My sister... she was so young!" I hold my heart as I pretend to sob about my non existent sister.

I maybe a bit dramatic but hey, when your best friend is a drama queen himself, it rubs off.

"I'm not going to kill you." He says looking at me.

"Eyes on the road!" I shout.

He snaps his head back to the road.

"You're so annoying!" He shouts after a couple minutes of silence. (ok maybe it wasn't as silent with me nagging about his driving skills)

Note to self; Charlie Mendi is a horrible driver and never get into a car with him.. again.

"Then why don't you just drop me off here! So I won't annoy you anymore!" I shout back looking at the gas station that was in the middle of no where.

His face lights up and a grin spreads across his face.

"Fine," he stops the car and unlocks the door.

"Wait. For real?" I ask looking at him surprised.

"Yeah." He points at the gas station.

"Fine!" I say whipping my head around and jumping out the car.

And without another word he drives off.

What the actual fluck.

I try to call Gus but I get no reception.

Groaning I kick a can that happens to be by my angry foot.

What has that poor can ever done?

A few hours later after I'm just sitting there looking like a lost doofus the devil comes back.

He looks at me with a smile.

And I give a pleading look.

He unlocks the car door and I hop in.

"So, while I was driving I found the perfect place."

"Jerk." I murmur as I rest my head on the window.

Biggest flucking jerk is what this guy is.

Ok I know it took me forever to update and this chapter is hella short too so it was pretty much a lose lose situation but I really wanted to update. I promise the next chapter will be 1 MILLION times better! Forgive me for the bad chapter. Sorry for making you wait and giving you a bad chapter. Vote and comment and don't forget to follow.
Love, Freak

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