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The five kids sit together in detention

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The five kids sit together in detention.  Elizabeth and Martha sitting together.  Elizabeth chooses to block out the immature boys beside her conversation and sit in peace. 

"What are you in for?" Martha whispered to her.  She looked at her in question.


"Was it Brad again?" Martha guessed, making her nod.  She scoffed

The bell rung and the principal comes in.

"This is a fun group,"

"Welcome to detention."  He started.  Spencer raised his hand.

"Yes Spencer?" He replied to the raised hand

"I just want to say that I'm sorry" making him sigh slightly

"Thank you" he thanked

"Principal Bentley, all I did was make one phone call-" Bethany started, but the principal cut her off. 

"Bethany please, you're all here for a reason you know what it is" he started

"This is what you should be thinking about, who you are in this moment of time.  And who you want to be.  You get one life, you choose how you want to spend it" he finished.  Everyone thought about what he said. 

"Fortunately, there is no better place for self reflection than detention.  Get up everybody let's go" the principal said before getting up. 

Spencer was first to get up and then everyone else, but Elizabeth was a split second faster. 

He led them all into a basement looking room and flipped on the lights.  Principal Bentley walked into the middle near a bunch of magazines. 

"We are turning this into a new computer center, but before we do it has to be cleaned out.  All these old magazines are bound to the old recycling plant, but they have to be properly prepped before they go". He started

"It seems all the staples must be removed.  Whatever you don't finish today, you finish tomorrow".

"But tomorrow's Saturday" Fridge pointed out, causeing a bunch of reactions to flow out

"Cause I wouldn't play football?"

"Because I stood up for myself?"

"Yeah, I don't think that's going to work"

"That's fair" Spencer ended it, fridge grabbing his bag while whispering "shut up" making Liz look over with a slight sigh. 

"So I suggest you get started" he spoke again while also grabbing the staple removers.

"Choose your weapons" he joked while holding them out.


Her, Martha, and Spencer were the only three working on the staples, standing in an awkward silence. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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