She din't let me complete my sentence as she said ", Sira you don't understand. It's dangerous, they have guns with them." she said with concern and scared voice. I shook my head and continued.

" They are going to come in anyways, I bet everyone is outside of school right now with cops, we are near entrance you just have to run fast okay." 

"Wait, what do you mean you, as in me, what about you". she asked worriedly.

" I will distract them and you just run and cops will come in and done. Everyone safe in the end"

 I said like it was nothing but I was scared as shit from the inside. 

I turned towards the door started walking there when she grabbed my hand "Sira" she whispered and just hugged me. I din't return, I stood there like a statue and after seconds pushed her politely off me. 

"I don't think you should hug me" I said in monotone voice.

 " You stay behind this wall, when I open the door they will come towards me and you will run as fast as you can, okay". 

"No , you will come with me, I DON'T CARE". I shook my head. "No, I won't"

 " Right now isn't the time to be teacher Miss, I don't care about my life, but I am sure you want to live your life freely. I suggest you do as I say, and I am not going to die at least not TODAY, so chill Miss" I said. 

She just stared at me and was gonna say something before I said "Okay go now". 

I went towards the door and counted 1...2...3.and boom took out the stick and there he stood Burke with gun in his hand looking at me with mischevious glint in his eyes.

"AHH, what a pretty lady" he said,

 "Don't think this pretty lady won't fight you because last time if I remember you were on your knees when I was hitting you" I said with smirk, hurting his ego. 

He stormed towards me when something hit his back make him stumble. 

It was her who hit his head with the stick.


He was standing when I grabbed her hand and ran as fast as I could out of the washroom to the entrance when I felt something hit my leg. It was painful making it hard to run.

 It was a bullet.

Okay chill, it's a bullet. I just got shot. 


 "AHHHHHH" I screamed in pain she stood bye me holding me.

"Just few more steps Sira, we are there" I could hear him and I had to protect her, so I took her wrist and pushed her forward far away from him and shouted "GO RUN, GET HELP" and that was it. 

I turned around to be met by a punch on my face, but I wasn't going to let him win by this time I could see two figure coming towards us and shouting at him saying "Let's go the cops are here, run."

 He kicked me tried running but I held onto him. Scratched him and slid my hand in his pocket to find something but I guess I was late and he hit my head, everything went black....


AGHH What the fuck, Where the fuck am I?, Huhhh what are these sounds.

 I opened my eyes, ouch wtf, am I in a fucking solar system. Is that a sun, am I dead, am I an angel. 

"Oh My God Sira, you are awake" I heard a voice

 Awake?, was I sleeping, if yes for how long?.

 "Waa..tuuhhh, I ne..ed watuuh" what the hell, why is my throat dry, ewww my voice. 

"Here", am I dreaming or is it her voice. 

"Sira, water", I took the glass and drank it. 

Doctors entered " Welcome back Sira, How are you feeling?" 

"Alive" I said my voice was raspy. Everyone let out a small chuckle including her. Then 3 men and 1 women entered the room, now I know who they are, they know me, but people in the room don't know that I know them, you know. 

It's confusing I know. 

" Who are you guys?" I asked being dumb, because I am. 

" We are FBI agents working with police, we need to ask you some questions Sira" cheekbone said, I nodded my head.

 "Of course".  I said and Miss sat down on my bed.

"Umm alone, Miss", hot stuff said looking at her. 

"Hey I know you, you were there in school for Sira" she said making our eyes wide, hot stuff eyes were wide with shocked thinking our undercover has been blown up. 

"Yeaaaaa...of course you would he is, yea brother." I said

 "Ohh yea, whose brother because I know you don't have one" she said. Ohh Goddd, why does she have to be so smart. 

"Good Question Miss, very good question, I am impressed." I said making her cross her arms and raise one of her eye-brows.

 "Ummm he is my friend's brother", she was gonna interrupt me again but I quickly said "Nuhh nooo, no more question now. Don't ask questions now you don't know my friends outside school, and I just want to sleep after answering their questions, so can we finish it please". She understood and left the room with doctors leaving them behind. 

"Okay so now we are working with cops?" I asked them.

 " Yes, but only finding the shooters" redhead said.

"Yeaa about that I saw the asshole brother's even beat one of them which is Burke I am guessing. He is the one that shot me too, and that fucking hurts as hell, and there was one more guy. 

This caught their attention. 

"He was 6ft tall brown hair, that's all I could make up sorry." I said feeling a bit guilty. 

Blonde said "You don't have to say sorry Sira, you were brave out there, for Jesus christ you are 18 years old and you saved your teacher, or your soon-to-be-wife." he said and everyone nodded their head.

 " About that,  we had a fight and she kinda blamed me that I was treating her nicely just because I want her to have sex with me." I laughed a bit with sadness in it.

 "Which might be true but, I want her more than that. I want her to be my fucking wife you know. I have a fucking lists to woo her goddammit. But its okay lets see what happens." 

The nurse entered the room with my clothes and my stuff kept in a bag. "This is your stuff, we collected when you were brought here. I kept it in this bag". 

"Thank you" and she left.

 We had some chats and they left. After some minutes she entered the room, I just looked the other way not wanting to look at her. I could feel her dragging a chair towards my bed, "We need to talk" she said.....

Pronto Para Ser Esposa? Soon to be Wife? EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora