Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Start from the beginning

Hong Kong's gaze turned dark, "However just because I'm an illusion here doesn't mean I can't knock some sense into you."

The flowers on the branches all flared to life, ejecting out a pale pink cloud of smoke. One breath of that cloud and the brash woman was knocked out cold. Hong Kong used her heel to scoot her unconscious body aside, "tsk tsk, breaking rules before the game even starts... any more questions?"


"Good! Now head over to the main hall so you can start discussing. Remember, your lives depend on this."

With that, her figure disappeared into a cloud of smoke, leaving the players stunned and terrified. The bold man from earlier (player 1) was the first to move from his spot, the rest followed soon after.

One by one they all stepped down the spiral of stairs. By the end of the steps, there they saw a circular marble table with exactly 7 seats. America was quick to drag Russia over, sitting next to each other with his whole chest still plastered against the dragons arm.

Once everyone was seated, the hourglass in the middle of the table flipped over to start the timer. America estimated 1 or 2 hours.

"I think the revolutionary or revolutionaries should just turn themselves in, there's no way there's going to be more than 4 because of majority voting, wouldn't it be better to sacrifice 1 to 3 lives for the rest?" A shy girl spoke, she seemed no more than 17 years old, a schoolgirl, and if America's memory didn't fail him, she would be player 4.

Player 4 spoke again, "I also believe the cloaked players should remove their disguise." She glanced cautiously at the 4 people with cloaks on, "how about it?"

A meek voice spoke, it caught Russia by surprise, especially since it came from the man next to him, "I-I prefer not to if that's okay... I don't like how I look."

Is he, perhaps, acting? Russia found it reasonable enough, a frail and shy person would be less suspected. It still sent shivers down Russia's spine, he isn't used to the prince acting like this.

"Take off all your cloaks or we'll assume you're the dirty traitors, you wouldn't want us to vote for the wrong person would you?" The bold man slammed his fist onto the table, causing the hourglass to topple over and the prince to yelp.

To add, America hugged even tighter. Russia couldn't help but freeze in place. 'Goddammit his pretense is going to be the death of me' the taller male muttered to himself with his head in his hand.

Hesitantly the two other cloaked figures pulled down their hoods, one was a sharp eyed woman and the other a foreign man who clearly isn't from Asia.

America leaned in closer to the Russian's ear, "the woman is a noble's wife, I recognize her. The bold man, I don't know but all I can assume is that he used to be from the military because of the way he stands. Foreigner seems to be a merchant, probably a black market seller, I can vaguely smell the blood emanating from him."

"What about you two huh? What's your relationship anyway? You seem awfully close." Player 1's crude tone and deathly hostile gaze shifted to the American and Russian duo.

Russia pulled down his hood, hopefully they wouldn't recognize him from his wanted posters. Thankfully enough, all the man did was blow a whistle and compliment him, "a good looking one you are, aren't ya?"

Next was America, but it was clear he was reluctant to do so, refusing till the very end.

"Please I don't want to, I-I swear I- ah!"

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