the story

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The mushroom man, and the toad's spindling tails

Deep in a dark forest, there is a magical place hidden from the outside world. It is carefully tucked away and protected by all manner of beings. Though, if you aren't careful, you might be lost in those woods...


Where the sun hits the hollow of a great oak tree, belongs a shire of mushroom creatures, blessed with the ability to learn or heal. One such mushroom is named Augustus; a delicate mushroom who invariably helped his neighbors or worked in the village study, always in good spirit. Occasionally, whether doing his nightly duties in the garden or attending to someone in their ailing, a friend or two would come along asking for a favor. One such night, when Augustus was alone at the far edge of the shire, a small three-eyed toad limped over to him in hopes of being rid of his worts.

Augustus tended to his wounds, as the toad told him of wonders beyond the shire and the pond where he was born. When the following night had arrived and the toad had left, Augustus pondered on what he was told. looming over the thought of the dangerous creatures roaming the forest, nevertheless permitting his mind to dream about the crystal ponds and towering flowers of beauty.

Augustus awoke and made his decision, the wonder of the unknown clouding his mind. He would go and search for the beauty he was told about, carelessly forgetting his duties to the tree of life that he called home. As soon as he was able, he told his plan in vast detail, sparing not a piece of information to the ear of the beholder. He would leave the village to explore the world outside the Shire and make a home for himself before returning to bring his family to live alongside him. Some were happy for him, while most, if not all, were worried that he wouldn't return and the magic they worked hard to protect would fade.

After preparing for his journey, the day finally arrived when Augustus left the hollow where the shire resided. Using the map he was gifted, he walked out to the clearing and into the forest where he believed he would find what he was searching for. After hours of walking, Augustus found himself utterly lost with no clue how to get back. Realizing the consequences of his actions, Augustus began to break down and wallow in self-pity over the ignorance of his decision to leave his family behind. Fearing he may never return to them again. He was completely and utterly alone.

Augustus settled himself in a tree, distraught from his actions until a clear-winged pixy buzzed past. Coming to a halt, the pixy returned to the small mushroom man, asking why he was so far from the safety of the shire and the magic that his kind tended so dearly to. Augustus, after introducing himself, explained what he did and how he betrayed his family for desire. To this, the pixy felt the pain in Augustus's heart and asked if he wanted to leave the shire at all.

Augustus looked back on the memories he had there and was shocked by the realization that he was happier when he and his friends were together in the garden or working together at the ceremonies. Augustus explained his newfound epiphany and told the winged creature that all he wanted to do was to fix his mistake and see his family again. Taking pity on Augustus, the pixy introduced themself and promised that they would lead him back to the village. Delighted by this, Augustus offered the fay man gifts of healing and magic as payment for their kindness. The pixy refused all his offers tho it was against his nature to do so. The pixy conversed with Augustus as he lead mushroom man around tall trees of old, and threw shimmering creaks. Augustus was happy, knowing he wasn't by himself made him feel less afraid despite the dangers of the forest. he was able to see what he left the shire for and decided to take from some of the magic that the forest gave him.

Once he arrived home Augustus and the pixy named dragonfly were met with celebration and cheers. All of them rejoiced as Augustus returned, the time for the spring equinox was approaching and without him, the tree of life would grow weak. Despite Augustus being dejected at the fact that he left his family, he celebrated with them and did all that he could for the tree. He told stories of the wonders he saw and stocked the storage high with all the magic plants and things that he found.

He no longer felt alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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