Episode 23 "Judas on a Pole" Part 1

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Booth and I are with Hodgins in a secluded area as he says, "1970's Ohio, there's a task force made up of FBI, state police and local cops. It goes bad, starts taking a cut from the same bank robbers they're supposed to be catching. Well, then they conspire to plant a stack of stolen money on Marvin Beckett. Well, then this young agent, right, Harper, okay, he decides he can't live with that and-and decides to blow the whistle." I nod as Booth says, "I can read." Hodgins continues, "The same guy who is gonna blow the whistle on them for framing Marvin Beckett then gets murdered by Marvin Beckett? Come on. Talk about killing two birds with one stone." I then ask Hodgins, "Who else knows about this?" "Us and you both, that's it." I nod, "Let's keep it that way. Okay?" He nods, "I seen this movie. I get killed on the way home." I chuckle, "That wont happen to you Hodgins." Booth also says, "Then don't go home." We leave as Hodgins says, "You serious?"

We are interviewing Mrs. Harper as she says, "30 years ago, I was married to Gus Harper for exactly eight months. I'm not sure I can help you." Booth asks, "What about the contents of the note?" "What do you people want?" Temp then says, "The truth." "The last time the FBI came to talk to me, they told me keep my mouth shut 'or' you won't get your husband's death benefits." I then say, "Your husband was a good man. And he tried to do the right thing, and he ended up dead. We can't let that stand." We sit there for a minute in quiet as Mrs. Harper says, "The FBI murdered Gus. Then they had a State funeral for him, complete with the grieving widow as a centerpiece." 

Temp then asks, "Is that your husband's handwriting?" "Yes. He was compiling evidence." Booth then adds, "And there was more?" "There's a diary, a dozen audio tapes, field notes..." I ask, "And where did Gus keep it?" "Safety deposit box." "Can you tell us where that, uh, safety deposit box was?" "Ohio First Saving and Loan in Dayton." Booth Temp and I look at each other. As Temp and I stand up and leave as we know where that was. 

We are out of the door with Booth behind us as we look at Booth and Temp says, "Our parents robbed that exact bank just days after Gus Harper was killed." I nod, "They were looking for that evidence. That must be the reason why Delaney was targeting Russ." Booth then says, "Go home. I have a few more questions for Barbara Harper, okay?" I then ask, "I can't stay and interviewing her?" "No, you both go home and be with your brother, all right?" I nod as Temp says, "Okay."

We are back at our apartment as Russ shows us pictures of our nieces, "Hayley's six and Emma's eight." I smile at the photos as Temp sits down next to us distress. We look at her as Russ says, "Tempe?" "I'm sorry. Preoccupied." "Tempe, if I play my cards right, these little girls are gonna be both of your nieces in the next couple of months. The least you can do is memorize their names." I then say, "She will memorize both Hayley's and Emma's name Russ, don't worry." Temp picks up the pictures, "They're cute." Russ then says, "Hayley has lung trouble. They're trying to figure it out. You ever deal with an HMO?" I looked at him, "Russ if you need money, either of us can help you out." "No. Forget it. If I'm gonna become these little girls' daddy. I got to man-up for the job." I nod as we hear someone knocking on the door. We get up as I then say, "Both of you stay there while I check." Igo to the door and Temp says, "That's not rational." "I'm a good mechanic. I'll take care of my own." 

I get ready for anything as I open the door as Booth comes in and sits down with the rest of us, "Gus Harper's service history, okay? Graduated top half of his class in Quantico. He was assigned to the joint state/ federal Bank Robbery Task Force." Temp then grabs a photo, "Right there. The victim." "Back when he was Special Agent Delaney, supervising Gus Harper." Russ asks, "The guy that was hunting me?" I nod as Booth hands me a list, "Okay, here's a list of the bank robbers with their FBI code names." 

I look at it as I see dad's name, "Dad's code name was Columbus." Booth nods, "Yeah. Lewis, Clark, Magellan, Cook, Columbus..." "All named after explorers." Russ then sees a picture, "That's Mom and Dad." Booth then says, "Every one of these people are deceased." Temp then says, "Except for Dad." "Delaney was killed to send a message to the FBI." He takes out a coin that I recognized from the victims throat. "That is the Columbus coin that was found in the victim's mouth. Columbo's shot a man in the head, hung him from a pole, gutted him, and set him on fire." Temp then finishes, "And Columbus... is our father." We all look at each other.

We are all standing up as Russ says, "Dad had it under control. I mean, for 15 years, everything was fine until..." Temp then asks, "Until what?" "Dad left you both a message. He said, 'Stop looking' You Tempe didn't." "Oh, so this is my fault?" "Well, consequences aren't the same as fault. Plus, Ven will do anything you or I say or ask." Temp scoffs as Russ continues, "My parole officer is very philosophical." Temp then says, "Well, all we have is a voice tape of Dad saying, 'Back off.' And a little silver dolphin that I found at Mom's grave. That's as far as the investigation has gone." "According to Booth." "What? Booth and I are partners. Tempe, he's FBI, you or Ven aren't. Your both daughter of a career criminal and the sisters of a loser on parole." I looked at him, "What? We wouldn't let anyone else call you a loser, Russ." Temp nods, "What makes you think you're allowed?" "I love you, both." We smile at him as we got ready to leave.



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