Chapter 9: DREAMING

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"Hey! I said don't freak out!" Aella said trying to keep me calm.

"How in the hell am I supposed to stay calm right now when I don't even know my own name? Did you do this with your freaky "spells"?" I asked while staring at her suspiciously.

"No of course not! Now calm down so I can explain to you what happened to the best of my ability."

"Okay.....I guess listening to you might open a door for me to get it back."

"Well about that..."

"Please don't tell me..."

"What you are suffering from is a side effect of having dreams of that scale, and it progresses each time you dream. Last time I guess it must have taken your memories of recent events so you would not know how you got the dream and now this time it took something more...permanent as compensation for seeing more of that dream."

"Okay what you're saying is that this dream is pretty much taking parts of my life away in exchange for the knowledge of whatever happens in the dream? Sounds like a trade-off version of dementia."

"Somewhat like that. But right now, I need to tell you what that dream means."

"No. What we need to do is to find a spell in the Necro to remove this dream before something worse is paid to see more of the dream."

"I understand that I do. But first I need to tell you about your dream because it's important."

"Will you promise to try and find a way to get my name back?"

"I promise."

"Okay well I'm all ears then."

"Okay listen carefully, that dream you had is a prediction of a future that cannot come to pass. Why may you ask? Because it will mean the eradication or worse...enslavement of the entire human race. The...thing locked behind those doors is locked in there for a reason. A long time ago that creature tried to go against its superiors and almost won if it had not been tricked and imprisoned there, however, the only problem that arose from trapping it there was that the city itself would lose all its power that is used to contain it when the cosmical stars aligned and shined down upon the city. And that is where your dream starts with it rising beneath the waves and giving away a horror to the world that the universe itself would never forget. The stars' alignment is natural of course but this book." She pulls the Necronomicon out of her satchel and opens the book riffling through pages and stopping. "Wait...where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"!" She exclaimed as she continued to riffle through pages with a worried zeal.

"Hey what's wrong?!"

"There is supposed to be a particularly important ritual in here that is supposed to be a counter towards the alignment of the stars and the prevention of the release of that horror."

"Wait so you're telling me that...without that page..."

"The world and reality as you know it, is doomed."

"Can we just get it back?"

"Easier said than done, we have no idea where it may be. And I can't guarantee how much time we have left. But based on your most recent dreams I can make an educated guess and say that we have give or take 2 weeks to find the page, the ingredients, and find our way to the impossible city before it rises from the waves."

"Not going to lie to you, that all sounds very intimidating and way beyond myself to even think about altering the stars themselves to save the world for whatever is behind that door."

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