Chapter 6

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it was...

a man...a tall young man with black hair fashioned in a buzz cut, he has a prominent scar running from the back of his skull to the leftmost side of his face that slightly touches the corner of his left visually impaired eye.

y/n: Ara dare ?

Kakucho: It's me kakucho did you really forget me?


Kakucho: Geez even takemichi forgot about me...

y/n: Huh Takemicchi ?...Wait wait wait Kakucho Hitto?!?!?

Kakucho: Bingo!

y/n: Wow! you look so different and...

'why are you so damn tall...'

Kakucho: and...

y/n: uhh never mind that anyway how have you been it's been ages huh.

Kakucho is one of my childhood friend no wonder he looks familiar I used to live near their house together with takemicchi but since dad left us ,we moved out.

Kakucho: How is your life here I never thought we would cross path again...

Y/n: I'm fine here I haven't see  Takemitchi too I'm pretty sure his still  a crybaby .

he laughed "he sure still is"

Y/n: you met up with him?

kakucho: Yeah I did we should hangout ,the three of us ,just like old times

y/n: sure

after we shared numbers I went to school but it seems like Ran and Rindou didn't show up today.

~time skip~

" Ugh finally time to go home" sherry said getting up from her sit.

"let's go" I said ,we were walking towards the gate. "sherry! Hide  me!"

sherry: Why?!

"Ran is in front of the gate "I say tugging to her uniform.

Sherry: um how can I hide you?!

y/n: I don't know think of something!

sherry: I know I will cover face with my bag¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

You made a face "what?"

"Fine we don't have any options after all" Sherry and I tried to walk pass but unfortunately he still recognize me...

Ran: Wait let me explain!!!

Without a second thought I run as fast as I can "Sorry Sherry I need to go ahead!!!"


as I look behind me Ran is running after me and damn his fast, "Stop following me!"

Ran: Please just talk to me!

y/n: I don't want to!

Ran: Just a minute please!

We arrived at a empty street and my legs are so tired that's when Ran grabbed my and pinned me to the wall "Let me go!!"

"No" He hugs me tightly wile his head is my shoulder "please hear me out"

y/n: Why would I you might just be lying again!

Ran: It was part of a mission princess and I can-

"don't you trust me! "Ran was shocked "you could have just told me though I would understand it why did you have to lie"  I hate liars just like my dad he said he'll be back but up till now he didn't show up.

Ran: I-I'm sorry 

y/n: yeah, your sorry

Ran: P-please I won't do it again just forgive me

"you even denied me "he stayed silent "let go" he sakes his head" I said, Let go!"

"If I do that I might lose you!!"he started sobbing "If I let you go this conflict of ours will only get bigger I don't want that to happen ,I'm not gonna let you go not until we make up please princess I can't lose you "

My uniform is getting wet cause of ran's tears. "I love you so please don't leave me, I won't do it again I promise please forgive me " Ran looks at me with puppy eyes ,who could resist that look anyway "Please forgive me" damn why is he so cute ,Ran rubs his head on my shoulder like a kid "I love you" he says cutely ,he cups my face and looks at me lovingly damn how can I not forgive this man.

"I'm still mad at you ,you know" I pout

Ran: I'll let you dress me up for one weak

my eyes sparkled as I look at Ran "really!?"

he smiled "Yes I'll wear anything" I smirked ,"p-princess I don't like that look on your face"

Y/n:Are you going to school tomorrow

Ran Maybe I'm not sure 

y/n: then i'll sleep over tomorrow

Ran: Really

Y/n: yeah really ,Okay then lets go home

"wait" I turned around, ran lift me up and put his legs between mine which made my heart skip a beat "uh Ran-///-","shh I'm kinda to lazy bend down and kiss you so I'll just put you in my level "Before I can even say anything or even complain Ran smashes his lips onto mine kissing me eagerly as if we we're parted for so long.

I can feel my body heating up this is a new sensation to me ,Ran bit my lower lips which made me moan a bit then he slid his tongue to mine.

We're doing a french kiss we never done this before and it makes my head dizzy

(author-chan: I'm having a hard time writing this (┬┬﹏┬┬))

I stop him by blocking my lips and I breathe heavily "what the hell ,are you trying to kill me?!"he bites his lips and looks at me seductively

"I can't help it especially when you call my name sexily princess~" I'm gonna have heart attack I buried myself in his chest and I can hear his loud heartbeat "We should do this sometimes"

I smacked his head "pervert"

"that is only normal for couples though "My face is still read what happened ,Ran held my hand as we walk "We should deepen our make out sometimes who would have thought that after a fight there will be a blessing in disguise "I started smacked his arm" Sorry sorry I'm just teasing you princess "Though we're dating for so long wo only kiss and cuddle and I'm happy that Ran is content with that.

Y/n: Love?

Ran: yes?

"I can't wait to have a family with you "I see a tear slide down ran's cheek "eh?"

Ran: N-no, this is nothing I'm just happy to hear that .

We both talk about our future along the way and I hope all of that will come true.








(word count:963)

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