Does she need to know I killed him? He flicked the toothpick between his teeth to the opposite side of his mouth. She's no fool. She'll know something's happened. I'm not sure I can keep up this lie forever.

And I shouldn't.


Ba-Ran's voice jarred him from his thoughts, and he tried not to glare at the Gran as he approached.

"Yes?" he drawled.

"You get through that last dozen crates?"

"I did. Zo is finishing the last few of hers as well."

The Gran nodded, which Crosshair had come to learn was the closest they'd get to gratitude. "Very well. I'll have them moved over to the main shipping bay. There are a few other things I need to run over to the other side of the factory as well for the project they've got going there. Think you can keep an eye on things here while I make that happen?"

"I could deliver whatever it is over to the other side," Crosshair offered, trying not to seem too eager at the prospect. If I can just get over there, I might be able to catch a glimpse of something helpful.

"Nah, think I can manage. Just make sure nothing gets too hectic on this side until I get back." He glanced over Crosshair's shoulder. "I'd especially watch that Twi'lek talking to your wife. He seems...a little too friendly."

Crosshair glanced over his shoulder and felt jealousy roil in his gut as Iden tipped her head back and laughed at something the Twi'lek said, gently placing her hand on his shoulder.

"No timeline on when our new coworkers will go back to where they came from?" he muttered.

"'Fraid not. There's plenty to do around here for them, so play nice." Something happening across the floor caught Ba-Ran's attention, and he blustered off, shouting something at an Aqualish that had apparently done something he wasn't supposed to. Crosshair waited half a beat before starting to make his way towards Iden. She let loose another laugh, and the Twi'lek leaned in a little closer, speaking almost conspiratorially in her ear. Crosshair felt his teeth tighten around the toothpick as he bent to pick up another crate, walking over and unceremoniously dropping it on the table next to Iden with a loud thunk that made her and the Twi'lek both jump.

"I'll see you around, Zo," the Twi'lek crooned before tossing her a wink and sauntering off.

"You do know you and I sleep together, right?" Iden snarked, watching the Twi'lek leave to ensure he made it out of earshot. "No need to be jealous."

"You could make it a little more obvious to your new friend there," he grunted in response.

"Relax," she cooed in his ear. "You said I should be more friendly, and it would seem you were right. Garm was quite talkative. Turns out, he doesn't get to socialize much in Imperial Prison 15 that's just a klick west of here."

Crosshair raised an eyebrow at her, and she winked at him. "Seems like I had more luck than you did holding that wall up across the way. What did Ba-Ran want?"

He rolled his eyes, flicking the toothpick with his tongue. "To pester me about whether or not I'd completed my tasks. He also was moving supplies over to the other wing. I offered to help, but he turned me down."

Iden glanced at him. "Well, you've planted the seed that you're willing to help. Perhaps next time he'll remember you volunteered and you'll get asked."


She lowered her voice. "You see your buddy stop by to oversee things?"

His stomach tightened at the mention of Rampart. "I did."

Shadows and Shades (#4 Post-Order 66 Series)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя