Chapter 6 - New Home, New Life

Start from the beginning

I then realised we were standing right in front of the door, I tugged on Azaria's hand and we began to walk up to the front desk.

I then noticed that on the two walls across from each other, both had elevator doors on them. They probably would lead you up to your apartments.

This place was even more beautiful, than the photos that I saw online. It was truly amazing, I'm so lucky that were going to live here.

"Can I help you?", a rude voice interrupted my thoughts.

The small gloomy figure that sat behind the desk, was a small fragile girl. She had straight blonde hair, the had a few brown streaks going through it. She had bright red lips, and too much makeup on.

She was wearing a green tank top, that was low-cut and showing her cleavage, and a mini tight black skirt. She looked at me annoyingly and without a smile.

"Oh... Um... Yeah, I am Miss Grace Whitters, and I am going to be living here in an apartment", I stuttered.

I noticed the gloomy woman had a badge on her right breast. On the badge it said 'Eleanor McKarron'. She noticed me starring at her badge and got out of her chair.

'Lesbo', I heard her mutter. I rolled my eyes at her behaviour.

I turned around and bend down on my knees to face Azaria.

"Honey, go play with the toys, this might take mummy a while", I whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head while scooting over to the yellow box.

Eleanor come back over to me holding a clipboard in her head.

"Sign here", she spoke rudely to me, while pointing a long red fingernail at a paper.

I sighed a few more things, then Eleanor went back to put the clipboard away. I turned around to see Azaria sitting on the couch playing with a plastic horse.

"Here you go", Eleanor said plainly while chucking some keys at me.

"Here at Paygnorman Apartments we have 40 apartments overall. 20 apartments on each side of the building. We have 5 storeys, and 4 apartments in each storey. In your apartment you will have 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, loungeroom and bathroom. We also have a bathroom on the first storey in each side of the building. We have a pool that goes to from half a metre, to 2 metres deep and a kids playground at the back of the building. Your in apartment 29, which is on the right side of the building on the third storey. To park your cars, park in your assigned parking spaces at the back of the building. Enjoy your time living here", Eleanor said to me rather annoyingly.

I'm guessing she hates her job.

"Thankyou", I said to her. I turned around and walked to Azaria.

"C'mon honey, let's go unpack our stuff", I said to Azaria. She jumped off the couch, and gently put the toy back into the box.

"Oh and Miss Whitters", I heard Eleanor say.

I turned around to her and put on a fake smile.

"Children under the age of 13 have to have parent supervision at all times. So keep your child out of trouble", she spoke rudely to me.

She said 'child', in a rather disgusted way. My smile disappeared, as I grabbed Azaria's hand.

Great, can't believe I'll have to put up with Eleanor for my time here. Hopefully her job is temporary.

I walked upside clasping onto Azaria's little hand. We walked over to my car, and I told the buff removals man to follow us.

We drove around the building, to see a big perfectly clean pool and kids playground out the back. There was also a quite large grassy patch, which looks like a perfect picnic place.

We parked in a parking spot which was labelled '29', which the removals vans parked in another parking place.

The two buff men jumped out of the vans, both holding two boxes each. We went in through a back door, that led to an elevator.

All four of us crammed into the small elevator space, as I pressed the '3' button, to go to the third storey.

When we got to the third storey, we approached a wooden door that had the numbers 29 in engraved solid gold.

I sighed before unlocking the door.

We walked in slowly looking around our surroundings.

The first room we came into was a lounge room, from what I think.

The lounge room floor was covered with a blue carpet and the walls were white.

Right next to the loungeroom was a kitchen. The walls there were also plain white but the floor was brown floorboards. The kitchen consisted of benches, a sink, cabinets that were up at eye level, and a fridge.

Next to the kitchen is a door, which I'm not too sure what is in there.

"Whoa, there's nothing in here", Azaria said. We were all standing silently in the middle of the lounge room, just look around at our new home.

* * *

It is now 7:00 at night, and I am snuggled into my warm blanket while watching some T.V in my new home.

Earlier once we got here, we unpacked everything from the vans, and moved some of the furniture into the house, the place was still bare. We still needed a bit more furniture.

After the removals men left, Azaria and I went into the city to buy some new furniture.

We ended up getting a couch, a T.V, some food, some essentials (shampoo, soap, insect repellent, etc.).

We then come back home and moved all that stuff around. We also stopped by and got some KFC on the way back here.

Now I am snuggled up while watching some T.V, and Azaria is in her room colouring in some picures.

It's amazing how much things you can get done in a day, now I am hoping this new house will help me get a new fresher start in life.

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