15. My man

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Serenity Jackson

"Thank you for coming boys. We don't have a lot of time.." I said as I guided Axel and his team through the streets.

I crouched down into the he bush. "That's the Rossi manor and Carson is arranging his base over there." I point to a trailer surrounded by black vehicles.

"I see..." Axel muttered. "Xavier, you're sniping. Go find a tree to climb up while me and Damon draw him out." He barked orders to his brothers.

"Cass, I need an estimate of how many men are in that trailer. It'll be dumb to just go in without knowing what we're getting into."

"Yes sir." She chirped clicking away on her keyboard.

I looked over the scenery. I should have just stayed away and this wouldn't even be happening.


I shook my head looking over at Axel. "Yeah?"

"You good Princess? Zoned out there." He chuckled.

I smiled a tight lipped smile. "Yeah I'm good. Just thinking about how this is all technically my fault. Carson's here because of me. No one else."

Axel frowned. "Hey hey hey- none of that blaming shit alright? I got you till the sun sets and never rises again." He pulled my head to his chest giving it a chaste kiss.

I smiled. "Thank you Ax."

"Always, now go inside the car with Cass. Bullets are about to start blazing."


"Capo, there's gunshots a mile away from us." Terrance said running into my office.

Who the hell is shooting at me right now?

"Get someone looking over the security footage from all angles. See if we're in the middle, if we need to help, or evacuate." I ordered sighing in frustration.

So much shit is going on. First Serenity goes missing. Now I'm being shot at. Just great what's next? One of my warehouses get blown up?

"Capo it's him."

It's who?

"Who?" I ask irritated.


Oh fuck no.

"Let's get this motherfucker down."



I could hear the gunshots echoing but me and Cassie just sat still praying for it all to end whenever. I love the fact that Axel, Xavier, and Damon can do this with just 3 people when Carson has 16 men on site.

"Oh shit there's more." Cass muttered eating her cheesecake.

I leaned over her shoulder to see what she meant and once I saw I immediately felt relieved to see him on his feet and fighting.

"That's your man right?" Cass asked.

I nodded my head 'yes' while smirking.

That's my man.

"Axel! I want Carson alive. Capture him but, keep him alive." I asked.


-Filler- Very very VERY short but next chapter will do me justice. (hopefully)

-xoxo, Skye

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