4: First Mission.

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I shamelessly slept in the following morning with the assumption that my sensei would be late, given our first introduction to him. I crawled out of bed and wandered to the kitchen, looking around for ingredients to make food for breakfast. I made myself spam musubi, taking my time to enjoy it before getting ready for the day. I started for the training grounds.

When I arrived, Sakura had to be the first one to point out my arrival time. "You're late," She spoke pointedly. "What happened?"

I looked around to emphasize there was no one around but the squad. "Well, I suspected Kakashi-Sensei would be late. Looks like I was right." I sat down on a rock and crossed my arms.

Naruto turned to Sakura now. "Hey, Sakura, do you want to go get ramen after this?"

"No!" She shouted at him.

"Oh, are you sure? My treat!"

"I'd rather go with someone else."

"I don't think he's interested in you—"

"What did you say?!"

"S-Sakura, I didn't mean to—"

"—What?! Offend me?"


"Well, too late!" She huffed.

I rubbed my temples. They talked far too much, and I was past annoyed at this point. It was a good thing I'd eaten breakfast, or I'd be as crabby as Sakura was right now.

I saw Sasuke sitting off to the side and decided to join him, sitting cross-legged on the grass. "Are they always like this?"

"Yes. Naruto's such a loser," He spoke lowly.

"And Sakura?"

"She's annoying," He grumbled, folding his arms against his chest. I sighed and rested my chin on my hand, enjoying the temporary silence until Sakura approached me.

"Could I sit next to Sasuke?" She questioned, which I replied to with a shrug. There was plenty of space around us, so I wasn't sure why she was asking me. I assumed she was asking me to move from my spot, so I walked back over to the boulder I'd been sitting on before. I lay on it as if I was sunbathing, trying my best to ignore the bickering until I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey guys!"

I opened my eyes and sat up to see Kakashi waving at us coolly as if nothing happened.

"You're late!" Naruto and Sakura shouted in unison. I got up from the boulder and walked over.

"Well, there was a black cat, so I crossed a different path. . ."

"What is the mission?" I asked quickly. I didn't care for his excuses and I knew he wouldn't have just simply admitted that he was late because he was late.

"Simple. Each of you needs to retrieve a bell, which are on me. There are three bells, and four of you. If you successfully complete this mission, you get food."

I smiled confidently. "Good thing I ate!"

Sakura looked at me in disbelief, her jaw on the floor.

"Wise choice, Fubuki," Kakashi said to me, and I smiled in response. "Now, let's get started. Time starts. . . ." He looked at his watch. "Now."

In a moment's notice, everyone had fled the area and were now in hiding. I took a minute to familiarize their locations. I could plainly see Sakuara behind a bush, and I began looking for Sasuke next. I turned my head to the left, nearly bumping into the boy, who stared at me with a hardened side glance before I backed up into the tree's cavity, but further away from him to give him some personal space. I shrugged off the moment and turned to look at Kakashi who hadn't moved. It was then when I realized Naruto didn't take the opportunity to hide, standing out in the open in front of Kakashi with a defiant stance.

"Okay, you and me, right now, fair and square!" Naruto shouted, I rolled my eyes. I couldn't watch this. I sat back and began devising a plan in my head.

Plan 1: Team up with Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto. Naruto distracts him, Sakura teams up with Sasuke to attack Kakashi-Sensei, I snatch the keys while he's distracted.

Plan 2: Fight him head on, use a shadow clone to sneak up on him. No, that was far too risky. The jutsu would take away the chakra I needed to expel lunging for those damned bells.

Plan 3: Panic. No, just kidding. There was no plan three.

Plan one had to work, it was the only way for us to succeed. I turned to Sasuke confidently. "He, want to work together?" I asked. "We could use Naruto and Sakura's help, too, and we could—"

"You guys would just slow me down," Sasuke spoke, waving me off. I pursed my lips and sighed deeply.

"Okay, fine," I muttered to myself, stealthily slipping through the tree and landing onto the forest floor besides Sakura, who nearly leapt out of her skin at my actions. "Would you like to team up together—"

"Is Sasuke working with you?"

Couldn't even finish my sentences in this team. I already knew her answer before I responded to her, but I replied regardless. "No." I exhaled, defeated.

"Then no."

I rolled my eyes at her without a care on whether or not she saw it. In fact, Sasuke deserved it as well as her. I moved towards Naruto's location now where he was hanging from a tree. "Naruto, would you like to—"

He reached up and cut himself down, disappearing out of no where. I grunted, rubbing my face before climbing to the top of another tree, looking down at my Sensei. Plan B was definitely not a solid plan, by any means, but unfortunately it posed as my only solution, and I didn't want to give up without any effort.

I leapt down at him, throwing five kunai in the air above him and five kunai at him. He dodged all kunai, watching as the five kunai in the air canceled each other out and landed on the ground near his feet, the last kunai going directly for him.

To both of our genuine surprise, it cut his arm before he disappeared. I looked around me before I felt something on my ankle. I looked down, gasping but before I could do anything about it, Kakashi yanked me into the Earth, entrapping me in its soil. I cried out in sheer frustration, trying to wriggle myself free to no avail.

And the best part? There was no one around me to get me out of here, so I'd have to deal with it on my own.

I writhed, wriggled, undulating until I made enough space to worm myself out of the cavity, pulling myself out with my upper body. My hands were suddenly free and I extended them quickly, throwing them onto the ground to catch myself before I slipped back into the hole, yanking myself out of it with a weak moan. I must've spent all my time wriggling myself free.

I got up on my feet now in a simmering rage. With my fists clenched, flew up into the trees, leaning against it tiredly as I looked down for any signs of Kakashi-Sensei or my Squad, my jaw clenched in pure anger and stress.

"Time is up!" Kakashi-Sensei announced, and I slapped myself in the face.


I failed.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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